What is the last thing you did that gave you CONFIDENCE...


Well-known member
As we all travel on our path to being better, more enlightened people, we often get glimpses of what its like to function at a higher level than the one at which we are currently functioning.

When was the last time you did something that made you feel what it would be like to be full of confidence and swagger and less limited by shyness.

For me, it is the feeling I get hiking, camping, and mountain climbing that makes me feel fully confident and reminds me of my goal to feel that way about all aspects of life.

How about you?


Well-known member
I BMX and this is the reason why. Every time i learn a new trick or do a handrail i get a feeling i get nowhere else in life, confidence, its how i get respect sometimes.


Active member
For me it's when I go out with my friends to a club on a saturday night. When I have 2 beer all remaining inhibitions I have left during day time fade away, and I get the feeling all my potential explodes and I become the person I have been working on for so long to become.
I really become the center of attention and all the people want to join in on the fun.

Two weeks ago, a really foxy lady approached me and told me I was such a handsome guy. WOAH never heard that before, ofcourse I have a stylish wardrobe now, I work out, but I think she said it because my selfconfidence has sky rocketed the last month. I've also been on 5 dates with 5 different lady's the last month, while I've been single for about 5 years now. How is that for a change. I really have chemistry with one of them and we are going shopping this evening, It's like everything is finally falling into place.

I think I'm lucky I'm only 21 years old, and things are working out for me. I truelly feel I can live life to the fullest without inhibitions, that is my dream and I become closer to realising that dream every day.
When I go clubbing I get to experience of what it's like to function at a higher level, and now during day time I'm also starting to feel it quite regularly. :D
I was at a Barry Manilow concert on Saturday and I got up twice to get beer, and then to use the bathroom. But when I was returning from the bathroom some old fart at the end of the row asked me "how many times are u going to get up?" and refused to let me by. Well I stood up for myself and said "Don't be so lazy and get the fuck up!". Needless to say, he let me thru.

Barry Manilow said:
You wouldn't believe where I've been
The city and towns I been in
From Boston to Denver
And every town in between

The people they all look the same
Only the names have been changed
But now that I'm home again
I'll tell you what I believe

It's a miracle
A true blue spectacle
A miracle come true
We're together ,baby-I was goin' crazy
'till the miracle
Came through
Now you here,and my arms are around you
And baby, there'll be
Dancin in the streets
For the miracle
A true blue spectacle
The miracle is you

I never knew you look so good
I never knew any one could
I must have been crazy
To ever had gone away

I almost for got what it's like
Holdin' you near me at night
But now that I'm home again
You know that I'm home to stay

Cause' its a miracle
A true blue spectacle
A miracle come true
We're together baby-I was goin crazy
'till the miracle came through
Now you here and I'm feelin so good
And baby there'll be
Dancin in the streets
For the miracle
A true blue spectacle
The miracle is you

Now you here and my arm's are around you
And baby the'll be dancing in the street
There's going to be dancing in the street
Dancing in the street

Dancin ,dancin, dancin , dancin
Dancin in the street
Dancin , dancin,dancin in the street
For the miracle
A true blue spectacle
The miracle is you
Hey the miracle is you
The miracle is you


Well-known member
Last thing that gave me confidence was getting excellent grades in a semester of college. Especially since they were very hard classes and I've been out of high school for five years. I know people get good grades all the time but I worked really hard to get those grades.


Well-known member
I was at a Barry Manilow concert on Saturday and I got up twice to get beer, and then to use the bathroom. But when I was returning from the bathroom some old fart at the end of the row asked me "how many times are u going to get up?" and refused to let me by. Well I stood up for myself and said "Don't be so lazy and get the fuck up!". Needless to say, he let me thru.

I like it - alpha dog at a Barry Manilow show. There's something funny about that. NICE!


I love a good buzz (NOT drunk--I want to feel uninhibited without throwing up). It makes me feel great!!

My kitties make me feel wonderful too. No matter how crappy I feel they are always climbing all over me or doing something stupid that makes my heart leap for joy.

Oh, and crying is great too.


New member
great question!

i think the last time i felt confidence...was when i made a website on a certain topic...and it started making me money...

...i'm seeking to make money online...and have been struggling big time...but whenever i get a HIT...i get my confidence...

but in my true heart...i know THAT is not something i should base my confidence in...

not something EXTERNAL...

...rather i live a very conflicted life...while i chase after (or dream to chase after) money...

...i also am a believer in God...

...and Jesus said you cannot serve TWO masters...

for me...although temporarily i can feel good about making money...that too will pass away...

but i know that if i put my heart on the unshakable living God, then that is where my true confidence must derive from...

...for it's when we are weak, that He is strong in us...and nothing brings more confidence than seeing God work powerfully through your life...

for example...i used to be a weed addict...but it was God who set me free from my addiction in a single day...for me it was an addiction but He set me free from it...

...and after that experience of being set free from drug addiction, the NEXT DAY was like a whole new day...i felt no shame...i felt no shyness...it was weird...

...it's too bad it seemed temporary...i did go back to my shy days...but i still remember how powerful and confident i felt after God took my addiction away...

i'm just rambling but...i still pray to God to help me be free from shyness...and shame...i trust that it will happen one day...hasn't happened instantly yet...but i still hope...


Well-known member
Travelling alone doesn't bother me. I went to Poland to meet an online friend for the first time in Easter.


Well-known member
When my hair looks great and I don't feel bloated, I have a slight confidence boost. Superficial, I know, but that's the world we live in.

The thing that can boost my confidence the most is when someone of the opposite sex, who is not related to me, tells me that I look good.

Apart from that there's listening to my favorite music and singing to myself. I love the privacy of my own home for this.


When I discover something about myself that makes me realize I am or can become a better person, like realizing the shame I had foisted on my by my ultra religious upbringing and that I am a good person, strong, confident and Dominant and that I am learning to let out the Man I AM. Also the job interview I went on and the psychological and physical changes of quitting smoking and working out for the last year.
It was probably last week when like 7 people gave me a hug all in that one day. I don't know why that would give you any confidence, but I guess it did it for me.


I shared some of my stories on the internet and a bunch of people thought they were hilarious. 8)


Well-known member
Doing thing's you're good at always give you confidence, it seems. I am at my best when I am out with my band playing at some local show because I am confident in my own abilities and I worked for years to get where I am with it, and I am happy with myself and the impression I make through music. Working out helps, too.