What i want


Well-known member
I want someone to give me a hug and tell me that everything is going to be ok........Please :|


Well-known member
I'll give you a hug and you can hug me back and we can lie to each other and say it will all be okay. It's the best I can offer.


Well-known member
''Lie'' that it's going to be ok?......Just when this post was getting positive answers :lol:


Well-known member
I want money fame and fortune so I can buy what ever I want when I want and not deal with greasy sales people


Well-known member
Kiss on the cheek, ruffle on the hair, warm affectionate hug.... :oops: :oops: from a caring lady..


Well-known member
Recluse, I won't give you a hug, sorry I'm a guy and...well ya know...

But honestly, I feel your pain....I really do.