What I hate

When people tell you that the right person will come along one day. Many of these people don't even leave the house. Many just try to avoid people. Many of these people won't ever let others in. How can any of these people ever enter a situation where such as thing will ever even happen ?

When people accuse you of being a homosexual for never having a sexual partner.

When people use rejection and humiliation as their weapon but detest and cry foul when others use physical violence to retaliate like a good old fashioned punch in the mouth.

When you think a person is your friend but once another of their friends show up they ditch you or ignore you or treat you like crap.

When you make a mistake (even minor) and the people just cut you off as if they hate like you killed their mother.

When a person tells everyone the bad things you said but ****s themselves when you threaten to do the same thing and threaten to beat the crap out of you if you do it.

When people bully you in one moment but at another moment act like their your friend and are nice and have forgotten what they've done and when you are angry they can't seem to understand why.

When a parent belts you or hit you across the face 20 times for doing something wrong but then they are observed doing the very same thing and when you point it out you are told off or threatened with further hits.

When you don't want to do something and a parent starts yelling at you and says you are making a big deal about it, when it is quite clear they are the one's making a big deal about it.

When a parent is quick to discipline you for doing something bad to another person but when they see something bad happening to you they say "don't worry about it" or "just forget about it".

When you are angry about something, a parent threatens to use punishment to change your mood back to being happy.

When you have been hurt by someone else and your parents do nothing about it or play it down but when someone does something similiar to them they are outraged and threaten massive lawsuits and revenge attacks.

When an older sibling destroys all your self-esteem because he or she is jealous of you getting any sort of attention.

When an older sibling starts getting anxious and pissed off when you show up around his or her friends.

When people say "why are you so quiet" or "cat's got your tounge", or "your so SHY!" and always say the same old ****ing obvious thing everytime they see you.

When a parent just walks away from you when you are hurt for doing something silly or stupid.

When a parent tell you off for doing something underage but then encourages you to do it at another time.

When your told you will go to hell if you do this or don't do that.

When your told to stop eating meat and ride a bike to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

When people reject you at school simply because the more popular kids have rejected you.

When a girl likes you and wants to go out with you but talks **** behind your back and snickers about you.


Well-known member
When people tell you that the right person will come along one day.

yes for me i do believe that but its more annoying when people say that dont dont motivated you to a more positive manor ::(:

When you think a person is your friend but once another of their friends show up they ditch you or ignore you or treat you like crap.

i;ve found that when i meet people the first couple of months are usaually prone to being friendly but as soon as they come out of their shell, not all is as it seem. sad but true. i try my best to be a good friend aswell ::(:

When you make a mistake (even minor) and the people just cut you off as if they hate like you killed their mother.

people take the wrong impressions/accusations of me most of the time

When a person tells everyone the bad things you said but ****s themselves when you threaten to do the same thing and threaten to beat the crap out of you if you do it.

bullys are terrible people.

When people bully you in one moment but at another moment act like their your friend and are nice and have forgotten what they've done and when you are angry they can't seem to understand why.

most people i have met are always sheep following the herd even when things are bad. i know what you mean :l

When a parent belts you or hit you across the face 20 times for doing something wrong but then they are observed doing the very same thing and when you point it out you are told off or threatened with further hits.

that happned to me when i was 16, ever since my mother has lost my trust...
and she doesnt listen to me sometimes purposely as if im crazy :(

When you don't want to do something and a parent starts yelling at you and says you are making a big deal about it, when it is quite clear they are the one's making a big deal about it.

i get sent to the shops now and then and i never want to go out. i hate leaving the house my parents make a big dea out of it, its so bad. they are not help by not understanding ::(:

When you are angry about something, a parent threatens to use punishment to change your mood back to being happy.


When you have been hurt by someone else and your parents do nothing about it or play it down but when someone does something similiar to them they are outraged and threaten massive lawsuits and revenge attacks.

my dad does that. he always feels threated when i ask him to do something for me. i dont know why :(

When an older sibling destroys all your self-esteem because he or she is jealous of you getting any sort of attention.

my brother gets on my erves purposely, its starting to grow on me

When people say "why are you so quiet" or "cat's got your tounge", or "your so SHY!" and always say the same old ****ing obvious thing everytime they see you.

When a parent just walks away from you when you are hurt for doing something silly or stupid.

i absolutely hate this to death. i've never cried so hard in my life and at the same time lose hope in people you thought would understand

When people reject you at school simply because the more popular kids have rejected you.



Well-known member
I'd be able to solve about half of the problems listed using violence, such as a headbutt to the face. It works when you're 6' / 200 lbs.