What Does This Mean?

About a month ago, I was sitting in class and I heard a VERY popular girl say, "everybody hates me." She clearly just wanted attention, and that just set me off. Of course I never actually did anything but inside my head I was ranting to myself about how this girl had no idea at all about what she had just said. I thought to myself if only she DID know what it was like to have no friends. I finally snapped out of it and looked at the clock, I had been doing this for 15 minutes!This was startling to me because I realized that I was becoming very angry just because I was thinking realy hard. I find that I've been doing this sort of thing more frequently, and I was wondering. Does anybody else find themselves doing this? If so, do you feel bad about it, as I sometimes do?
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I do that all the time, my mind is constantly wandering, sometimes i'll be watching a film and start thinking about something different and then realise i barely payed any attention for the entire film, in conversations with people i drift off and they get abit annoyed when they realise i haven't been listening to thme for the last ten minutes. I often find myself doing a task like cooking or cleaning and then just go do something else without realisng it so one minute i'm washing up and then the next minute i realise i'm watching some video on my phone or something, lots of people do what you do.


Well-known member
yea at work start thinking about something it goes on for half hour or so , quite intence sometimes


Well-known member
Yes, I think when I am engaged internally, usually negatively. I am sure the ugliness of the "popular" girl will be seen soon! Try and talk about these feelings, avoid emotional isolation.



Well-known member
i would have played along with it inside my head and answer

"yes, yes we all very much hate you and now lets get back to work"


Well-known member
I'll be watching a film o'r listening to music and the plot o'r lyrics don't sink in fully because i start thinking about something else, so my brain has to cope with all kinds of stuff at the same time. It's a horrible feeling.


Well-known member
I have been completely lost in my thoughts at times. I hate when people who know you see you like this and assume that you are ignoring/snubbing them. I become aware of them at some stage, but by that point it is too late. They have already formed their very firm belief that you are a snob and you don't like them and that is the end of that. It shits me that 'normal' people seem to be so intolerant of anything other than 'normality'.