What do you want to do with your life?


Well-known member
Why are you living right now?

There's a huge range of ages here, which should make the answers more interesting. What do you want out of life?

Sometimes I feel like I'm not living. I'm just wandering around doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I finished elementary school with average marks. I finished high school with average marks and hopefully I'll finish college with average marks. I feel like I'll get stuck in the same position as so many other people. Get a job, fall in love, get married, have kids and die. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I can't wait to have kids and *crosses fingers* fall in love! But, I want more. I want to travel and see crazy and interesting and beautiful things. I want to get books published and have art in a gallery somewhere...Meet inspiring people. Do stupid things and take risks...Make lots of money and help those in need with it.

But, I feel like none of this will ever happen because doing those things is scary and hard for me and it's so easy to just slide into the monotonous 9-5 job.

What do you want to do with your life? Are you making progress as doing those things? Or are they just dreams that you feel you'll never accomplish?

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
i want to go to school get a good job enjoy life and everything it has to offer find a good loving wife settle down get my own place have kids then mission complete!:)


Well-known member
The American Dream is dying.

I just want to get a degree in Business. Haven't thought about what I'm going to do after that.
Don't know about what I want to do with my life, but this is what I want from it:

  • To live at least a few years with a deep satisfaction and happiness
  • To know that my children are equipped for a happy life
  • To experience nature in its fullness
  • To see society turn to support those who need it, rather than be so consumerist
  • To feel that life is worth continuing into old age
  • To know that I have been important to someone
  • For alien life to be discovered

Gushy rant finished


Well-known member
You can travel and see crazy and interesting and beautiful things. (even with little money, some people have even done it with almost no money, some money is safer though)

You can get books published and have art in a gallery somewhere... (Yup, just needs perservations to actually finish the books lol. Many people write beside 'regular' jobs, some even wrote best works this way... Sometimes having no 'set scehdule' can even work counter-productive, some authors needed to get at least a part-time job so they could write again!! Join a writer's forum or google up some of your favorite writers/artists, how they write/create!)

Meet inspiring people. Do stupid things and take risks... - Yup, totally doable... (Depends on what you do lol And of course make sure you do stupid things in a healthy/safe way...)

Make lots of money and help those in need with it. - I'm not sure about this one... Then again, you can help people in need without money too, with volunteering time, energy, ideas, networking, connecting them with other people's money, etc.
Money isn't everything, you can't eat it.
It's good to have it and make it, and wishing you to make lots of it!! :)

As for me, I'm sort of living my dreams, doing the eco projects, connecting people and inspiring/informing/educating them to do eco things - it's not so easy as it seems, but it's definitely doable, at least partly...
(It's scary and it's frightening at times, but also very rewarding and exhilerating... :))

I recommend you start with the artsy things and writing and learning how to market those when you are studying already, as you have a 'safety net' of studying... There are lots of books on Amazon about it, and articles online..


Well-known member
...I feel like I'll get stuck in the same position as so many other people. Get a job, fall in love, get married, have kids and die....

there's room for a lot of stuff between "have kids" and "die"

that's where I am now

I already did the first three things a few times

maybe I'll do 'em again


Well-known member
I know who I am and I know what I want. This I remind myself of frequently so I remember what I am doing and why I am doing it :)
I don't want kids, I don't want to get married. I sure as gravity want to fall in-love, passionately, committed through love and not documents, so that we are both free. Ohk maybe one kid in the future. Far far future, because it is such a large responsibility, only when I can take care of myself, and only when I am stable enough to take care of another human being, especially one so fragile as a child. No, not wanting that at all.
I am living to experience what I haven't, have my mind blown. True, real and dashing experiences, see everything in it's rawest, most expressive. To know what I do not know, to see what I never thought was possible. To realize what I could never think of on my own. It's hard to explain, I just want to get out there.


I want to rid myself of my insecurity of my lower legs and gain self confidence I believe once that happens I will be able to set myself completely free of social anxiety

I also would love to go traveling without any worries would be amazing
Would like to have a steady bf and break that awkwardness barrier between my friends and acquaintances!!

so basically just be able to live a carefree life and be happy :)

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I eventually want to live by work hard and play harder.

Guess I am trying to say is that I want to put more emphasis on experienceing diffferent things and having fun instead of working all the time just to get by.


Well-known member
You're right Feathers, it is all doable! I CAN and I WILL do it. :)

Thanks for sharing everyone else. Hopefully you all will/have succeeded in doing what you want with your life. :)