What do you think...

hey.. I like to wear feminine clothes but also men clothes.. Is this weird
because people have been bullying me about that
they said.. rude stuff about it
and I just like men clothes.. I feel ashamed about it
but i also like to wear a dress
so i like both

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Pirate from the North Pole
How old are you? When people gets older, these same people might start to think the way you dress is cool/interesting/original, so I would say don't worry too much about it.
How old are you? When people gets older, these same people might start to think the way you dress is cool/interesting/original, so I would say don't worry too much about it.

Ì'm 18 years old, Okay thnx. I will try not worry too much about it.
But this company is just too much about being pretty and into fashion..
you need to be stylish.. :S i feel constantly judged , because of my looks
I want to find a good style that i feel good with.
But still its hard to find something which makes me feel totally confident
But maybe, there is no such style what makes me feel that way?
Maybe its just my mind...


Pirate from the North Pole
The thing is, those who makes fun about the way you dress doesn't deserve that you make any effort to change your style... So as long as you're happy with the way you look, that's what matters. You can always buy some "standard" clothes for the days when you want to be un-noticed. To look normal is pretty easy (and boring)