What do you regret most?


Well-known member
My biggest regret is not making more friends in high school (even though I had a lot of chances) and not making any efforts to keep the ones that I had.


Well-known member
Losing the friends I had in high school and generally giving everything up, instead of being strong and fighting my problems.. :(


Well-known member
I regret letting my fear get the better of me... missing my own prom, not going to my own graduation, stuff like that.


Active member
Realizing this is a (potentially) curable condition at 33, not when I was 13 years old... But of course I could have spend the next ten years being oblivious and at 43 building a social live would have been even tougher. So I guess I have to work with what I have and be happy with it.


Active member
i regret that i didn't use my teenage years in a proper way. i should have traveled, met new people and broaden my horizons. instead i just sat at home and did nothing worthwhile because of my fear. Sometimes thinking about this makes me feel like there's just emptiness where memories of my teenage experiences should be.
It will be hard to catch up now. i'm graduating next year and when i'll be working it will be harder to meet many people. i'm afraid i'm going to be stuck in a rut, in some boring life. i think i could have had a much more interesting life if not for my social phobia.
I regret not failing enough. The failures are interesting texture for my boring past, and the shortage of them is due to not trying anything I wasn't sure of.