what do you look for

secretly awesome

Well-known member
"Never really look for charactaristics in people... can be attracted to everything for different reasons.
If something sparks and we connect, awesome and if we dont... we dont."

This is my attitude, too, Elad.


Well-known member
eggpod, without knowing you, may i just suggest that perhaps you are making a few too many assumptions about women for someone who hasn't had relationships. i haven't had many of my own, but one thing i've learned is that women can be full of surprises, often of the pleasant variety. relationship-related experience and learning can happen in a short period of time, especially for someone with general life experience behind them. don't limit your options because of fears or assumptions which may not be well-grounded. i just dated a woman who is several years older than me, and way more experienced. This gap showed at various points in the night, but i was still able to be charming in my own way.

I suppose it's more down to my fear of being judged than anything else. Because if by a miracle I do find someone interested, it would feel that it would probably be the only chance I would ever get and that's not a healthy mind-space to be in. I just hope I can find someone really kind and understanding who would take things very slow. The fact that I still live with parents is another cross to bear and (I feel) further reduces my chance and fuels my fear of judgement.
someone who can understand me and I to them.

A person that gives me a reason to better myself for them.

so far no such luck / person in existence as far as i know


Well-known member
I have to trust her,I have to respect her,these to me are the most important things to build a relation,others not very important,accept that I am a chill type of guy,not many friends,most of the times I dont like showing off or confrontations,dont like to bring attention to me,black or brown hair,only likes overall nice guys,basically I am saying that I will be alone all my life :D