What do you guys think...

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I've tried this setup (gave up too easily though, I'm going to have to renew my efforts once more I think). Haven't specifically checked the vid but it looks like the one I made. Not dangerous at all, can sting -a small shock when putting your 2nd hand in and completing the circuit- and it can itch like a Mofo while your doing it and you can't take your hands out to scratch. My advice though ONLY stick to the battery powered for home made devices, I've seen ones using a stepdown transformer from the mains and it's not something I would be willing to risk. Professional mains devices are another matter though as they have to pass a whole load of safety checks. Also I only ever went up to 18V and I wouldn't recommend much more.
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Active member
This is exactly what I used to do. Only got me about 80% dry though. It is not dangerous at all unless you are wearing a pace maker or have anything metallic in your body. Try it but only use batteries not transformers. I used 18V and stings like a bitch the first time. You'll get used to it though. Good luck.


Active member
80% dry is a good start. Maybe combined with some avert, I will hopefully be somewhere near 100%.

A few questions, where would I get an 18 volt battery, and where would I get those staineless steel pans? A supermarket?


Active member
Any department store will do. You can find lots of things at Walmart. For the steel pan, they might have it at Walmart too, if not, plastic will do just as well.

You can't find a 18V, it's 3 6V batteries connected in series.