I guess I feel comfortable in cars. They're part of my "safe zone," but stores and restaurants I hate.,, I love the great outdoors though, and I wanna check out the lost coast. I get homebound occasionally its not always that bad. That's agoraphobia. It doesn't have to be as consistent as you people make it out to be.
I can leave and it will be hard an I'll be anxious a lot more than I'm used to by doing this. That's why it will be therapeuticc for me. I'll also have the peace of where I choose to call camp. It's an awesome way to live in my opinion, with the current state of the nation and all. We'll probably all be nuked within the next 20 years anyways haha.
I can leave and it will be hard an I'll be anxious a lot more than I'm used to by doing this. That's why it will be therapeuticc for me. I'll also have the peace of where I choose to call camp. It's an awesome way to live in my opinion, with the current state of the nation and all. We'll probably all be nuked within the next 20 years anyways haha.