"What do you do for a living?"

I think this is an old ice-breaker left over from the 1950's and 1960's when there were enough jobs for everyone to have one. I think it should have been done away with a long time ago. Heaps of people don't work for various reasons today.

It's generally a legitimate question since people often like to network around. Good networking can be very useful.
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Well-known member
I hate when people ask because it will be nothing or "no" (if they ask if I have a job) and they just look at me like :eek:


I don't think its stupid. I think it's just a conversation starter, really.

I normally feel like I'm boring people though. If I included everything, it could get akward too because I'm an alternative nude model and most people would frown upon it.


Well-known member
It's not a question I'm usually asked...so when I am I'm kind of thrown off guard. And I feel relaly stupid saying "I don't do anything..." I should say "I'm a stay at home wife and soon to be stay at home mother"....that would sound better than "nothing" anyways.


Well-known member
I think it is a legitimate question to ask. Work is not just about what we do to earn

money but simply what we do with our time or (sometimes) what interests us.

People shouldn't feel uncomfortable if they have no job or can't work. It's not their


People who usually ask that question do so because that is how they spend 60% of

their time. Think of the question as leading up to what do you do in a general sense.


Well-known member
just be vague and say "yeh i do stuff"..or "things, i do things all the time"..for giggles...at the moment i'm a graduate looking for decent work in the meantime i wash dishes in a busy restaurant and its pretty horrible to be honest...so if anyone asks i just say "i work in hospitality" i could even say "i'm a kitchen specialist" just to talk it up a bit..but to be honest its probably the worst job imaginable....its dirty, you get cut by broken glass almost every shift, you are everybodies puppet for the entire shift and the least respected, not ideal for someone who needs a confidence boost..i'll keep applying for other work, i want to return to retail while i await a graduate job but graduate jobs tend to have 50-100 people applying for them in the current climate..

to be honest i want to leave but i need the money so badly to pay rent...the honest thing to do would be to walk out but i need a roof over my head...
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