what do I do...

junior ro

New member
Well, first of all my English is not so good but it's possible to understand....
I really need to say this,,,

I am 28 years old. I have no friends at all. My parents live far, I live alone. Now I don't have a job and I failed in my older jobs. I graduated in the college, but after 10 years and only because they helped me (a lot). I had to leave classes many times, as I was always nervous. I didn't talk to anybody in the college.

At Christmas, holidays, end of the year, and others stuff I stay alone in my house. With women, I only kissed a fat girl when I was 16. She lives in other city, I kissed her once and I never more see her again.

I've been to psychologist for about 10 years. The money I spent was enough to buy a car. And now I don't have a car, or money and I didn't get any better. I've been to psychiatric too..

I really think about finishing my pathetic life, but I'm to afraid to do so... I don't see any solution


Well-known member
Hi junior and welcome to the forum.
I can relate to you on most things man,I know it's hard and sometime it seems like all our efforts are in vain but we must keep trying.


Well-known member
First you're Not pathetic! You finished college that is a huge deal if you suffer from social anxiety. I for one had to drop out after one semester due to my severe issues with being in classes and shaking and not being able to function etc..
Obviously you're intelligent, you can communicate in more than one language-I failed out of all languages though I am supposed to be good at them b/c I have absolute pitch and it's supposed to make me super good at languages.

Ok now I feel like **** haha but I hope YOU feel a bit better, ok??!!! Don't give up *Hugs*


Well-known member
Graduating from college is a big thing, well done :) Even after 10 years you did it. That shows you have determination to follow through with things and that's good. It's so easy to give up on things but you didn't. So why give up now? Take life one small step at a time. Your life will get better. All you have to do is keep walking even if you can't see the whole stairway into your future.