What Disability Would You Trade SA For?


Hmm... had some trouble logging in... :?
I would trade it for getting some barrels with acid waste thrown at me and becoming a mutant! :D


Well-known member
stardog said:
Wow, kinda shocked at this thread...I have a friend with cerebral palsy, and he can hardly even move, or speak. How on earth could that be better than sa. Wake up. You won't realise what you've got till it's gone, then it'll be too late.

Did someone actually say they would want cerebral palsy instead of SA? Wow, I must go re-read the posts - that would be shocking.


Well-known member
Hey this is the funniest thread i've seen in my life. It's like you're treating SA like a commodity. I've got mild depression. Anybody wanna trade?


Active member
Re: Deaf Guy with SP

seattleguy35 said:
Hi everyone,

This is my first post! I'm a newbie!!! This is an interesting topic... I have Social Phobia/Social Anxiety as well as also being Deaf too!

To Deaf people, they don't really think deafness is a disability at all. It is actually a cultural minority because we have our own language (American Sign Language)

Which one is easier in life? Being Deaf or having SA... Oh that's an easy answer!!!!!! Being Deaf is much much much easier than having SA anytime!!! It's not really a disability if you have been deaf since age of one.... Makes sense? :)

I have been reading some of your posts. Definitely some great people here!! Looking forward to post some more....

Seattle Guy :p

I have SA because of my deafness! I hate being deaf :twisted:


Well-known member
stardog said:
Wow, kinda shocked at this thread...I have a friend with cerebral palsy, and he can hardly even move, or speak. How on earth could that be better than sa. Wake up. You won't realise what you've got till it's gone, then it'll be too late.

As for the person who said AIDS/Cancer..What are you thinking?

Well I guess SA isn't that devastating to your life as mine is if you think that way. SA isn't the only problem, depression comes along with it too due to loneliness and isolation, and probbably you haven't experienced a severe depression to know what it's like.

I dunno, but it seems to me that people with Aids/cancer are still doing preety well, and are living life as somehow normal people, although they know they will die, but spending time with friends and having support from their wifes/husbands and knowing that the others care for them is really helping them maintain a normal and i would'nt say happy, but normal life and keep their minds sane.

I didn't mean to offend you, but u don't know what i've been through, i'm trying to not go insane or schizophrenic and don't know how much am i going to hold on like this cause i've been fighting sp and depression all my life.


Well-known member
I agree with you Stardog.

Granted, some people with AIDS/Cancer and other life threatening diseases or severe phsyical handicaps MAY indeed have a large number of friends and a supportive family, but what good are they if you're so ill or disabled that you cannot do ANYTHING for yourself and every single moment of your life is filled with pain and agony? You wouldn't be able to enjoy their company at all!

The idea of being paralysed and having children who you can't even hold, play with, take to school, feed ect..... Infact, having to be bathed, fed and dressed yourself - well, I can't imagine anything worse.

Although everyone's SP is different, it seems that some of us have this very false perception that we have it so bad in comparison to others, and end up depressing ourselves at the thought that 'everyone else' is living a wonderful, fulfilling life.

Many are not. Plenty of people in this day and age have their fair share of problems and traumas. However, they manage to get on with life by focusing on what they can do as opposed to what they can't.


Well-known member
I'd trade it for ADD...wait that's not disabling...hmmm...then I don't know, I'm happy the way I am, I guess.


Well-known member
It's like asking if you would rather be shot in the foot or shot in the stomach.I would not want something in place of as.All you are doing is picking one evil for a different evil.