what could you do to avoid negative thinkings?


Well-known member
Well when a bad thought comes up you can refute it. My problem is when there is a massive stream of negative crap entering my mind it gets kinda tiring. Like can anyone really maintain a constant argument with yourself? Maybe it just takes heaps of practise, i dunno.


Well-known member
I would say to just keep yourself busy, but that doesn't seem to work too well, does it? Hmm, I don't know. I guess you could try to make yourself consciously think of positive thoughts.
Try positive affirmations. At first when i started using then I felt silly, but they really do work after a while. When I feel panic coming on i say things like 'i am safe, nothing bad is going to happen to me', or 'this will pass soon, it is just adrenaline', or 'by taking this step now, i'll eventually be able to do what I want'.
And every day I try to say general positive affirmations like 'i am confident in myself and those around me', 'i am loved by myself' and 'i am confident in my ability to get better'.
They sound stupid at first, but i think the message really gets through if you keep saying them to yourself!


umbrella said:
what could you do to avoid negative thinkings?
distract myself with something else

I'm always accused of being negative, the fact that friends and family bring that up makes it hard to forget.

I try to not think about things, but its like being a small kid with the chance of diving into the deep end of a swimming pool. Theres no way i'm going to do certain things, because it can only end in disaster. Thats how i evaluate things.


Well-known member
i've found the 3 D's to be helpful.

So after you've detected your thoughts as being negative and irrational
then you need to debate them, by logically questioning them. slowly you can train yourself to discriminate against rational and irrational beliefs whenever they pop up. it is easier said than done because we're so used to thinking negative. the key is practice.
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) will teach you to distance yourself from these thoughts using cognitive defusion, mindfulness, and your own values.