What are your siblings like?


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Do any of you have siblings who are very popular? Or are your siblings quiet, like you are?

My brother is a year older than me, and he has always been really popular, with loads of friends.

Our parents went on vacation this week, so we've had the place to ourselves, and I've been looking forward to watching movies (yay Netflix!) on our big TV in the living room (when my parents are home they're always telling me to turn the volume down, or they're turning on lights and totally ruining the theater effect!). Well, my brother has been having groups of friends over every freakin' night!! So what do I end up doing? I hide in my bedroom and just watch my movies on my little TV. Then I'm even too afraid to go down to the kitchen to get a damn snack, because they're all down there. Grrr, I've been having major anxiety and anger issues over this all week!

My brother is never home when my parents are around, as he's always out partying and all that, but of course when they're away he's always bringing the party to our house. :x


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Strange thing is that my sister is very social and always goes to nightclubs but is really not that talkative overall but she has alot of confidence to get up and go out and to look the part ..

my cousins who are my age are all very chatty and social like you wouldnt believe, i'm talking out 3-4 nights a week with a large group of tight-nit "very witty" friends. i spent a few hours with them the and they just ooze coolness to the point where i kept second guessing every word ..

my aunties and uncles are the same, all ultra-social to the point of cocky, meaning they'll have an answer fo everything you say and more ..

everyone is also succesful in terms of career and girlfriends/boyfriends etc ..

i stick out like a sore thumb, there really is nobody that can relate to me in the family personlaity wise ..

in saying that i dont want to always be this way, i think people can go through stages of low confidence, and it can be turned around with alot of work ..

i also believe most of these people in my family are very mediocre in terms of their taste in movies, music, food, alot of it is dictated by what is "popular" at the time and the latest craze right now, they'll watch big brother because its what everybody else does and they'll talk about that ..but at least they can talk confidentally and live their lives fully i suppose


Well-known member
I know what that's like when your older siblings are having parties at your house when there's no parents and you're stuck hiding in your room.

The worst part is when a couple of their friends get drunk and decide it best to crash into your room with the intent of having sex on your bed.

That's when it crosses the line!


Active member
I can totally relate to that hiding in the room when your sibling is having a party downstairs. Its the worst. I just keep watching the clock, hoping that they would leave already.


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I used to hide in my room when guests came around, for me i just find it uncomfortable when a bunch of guest whether its family or friends of someone drops in and then they sit down and everyone is mega-cheery and upbeat that you sort of feel uncomfortable to go in because you feel like you cant just be yourself and you'll be seen as rude if you dont hang around and talk in that same cheery way for a long time, that you just want to walk in, catch up a little, grab some food or a drink then go . because lets face it...

if these people had REALLY come to see me they would have sussed me out, lets be honest here, that means saying "where is such and such, oh he's in his room, i really want to go and talk to him" ...rather then being whiney and saying "oh he didnt come and say hello, how rude" rar rarr rarr, blah blah blah, i may not know who came in ...

i dont know, my advice is to just stop giving crap about what others are doing and go about your own business, say hello be friendly then go about your business ...

if they came to see you they'd be knocking the door down to be around you not your siblings or your parents ..


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Regarding siblings having people over for parties, i remember back in the mid 90's my sister first had parties and invited say 15 people over, i just walked out and everyone was so friendly and welcoming that no matter what my mood was it was actually enjoyable, 2 of her friends brought around a playstation and beer and they're yelling at me "Come on, come over here lets play buffy" being the first of the series, then some of her girlfriends would come over and just talk about nothing, but it was all so effortless ..

so i think it can depend more on the people your dealing with and the combination of those people put together in a room ...

because ive had times where ive been stuck in a room of many very dominant extroverted witty types and just found it all too overbearing to keep up with everyone ..


Well-known member
-has many friends, all are pretty eccentric
-loves drinking and partying
-tends to fall in and out of love very quickly
-probably an alcoholic
-Has struggled with major depression
-Was teased a lot growing up
-Dropped out of high school

Brother #1-
-has paranoid schizophrenia
-also struggled with depression and attempted suicide by injecting draino into his veins
-will start up a conversation with anyone but lacks close relationships outside family
-Also dropped out of high school

Brother #2-
-has struggled with social anxiety and depression including a weak suicide attempt
-has a few friends (not popular type) but doesn't see them much
-normally reserved in social settings
-frequently uses marijuana
-was teased a lot growing up

Also, I tend to either hide or bury myself in the computer and not talk when DH has friends over. I hate when they come here!
I have one sister (20) and she is the complete opposite of me. It's ridiculous how different we are, I don't even know how we are related. Shes pretty social, and has always had a lot of friends/boyfriends. I know exactly what your talking about. She would always bring over her friends and then I would have to shut myself up in my room. It's annoying. Thank god she moved out!!!

My sister(20) is the biggest hipocrite in the fucking world. SHe's a totally different person with me but she treats other people like royalty and acts mad fake so people can think she's cool. However, with me she's the biggest bitch in the world. One time she left me starving in the beach and she knew i didn't have any money but she went to eat with my cousin and didn't bring me anything. She also told my bf to leave me behind my back and she's always trying to out shine me....


Well-known member
i had an older sis(26).she's a jerk and i hate her.she always ignored me,didn't care about me and don't want to talk to me.i feel relieved when she's not around.


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Re: ...

Depressed4life said:
My sister(20) is the biggest hipocrite in the fucking world. SHe's a totally different person with me but she treats other people like royalty and acts mad fake so people can think she's cool. However, with me she's the biggest bitch in the world. One time she left me starving in the beach and she knew i didn't have any money but she went to eat with my cousin and didn't bring me anything. She also told my bf to leave me behind my back and she's always trying to out shine me....

mine is the same as well.she's like totally fake in front of others like her friends and bf but she ignored me and talk bad about me. :x


Well-known member
My sister who is three years older than me is very shy but she's also social, which proves that social phobia is different from just being shy. To be honest i think my sister is too social for her own good, and she has always had boyfriends who take advantage of her by spending her money and stuff, but she just doesn't see bad in anyone whereas i am aloof to people.


This thread is kind of an eye-opener, because I'm an only child, and I've always assumed that having brothers or sisters would make things easier (since you're forced to socialize more often). I guess it really depends, though, if your siblings are a bunch of assholes.


Well-known member
Since my brother and I are only a year a part I have always sort of wondered why he never invited me out to hang with him and his friends. My mom has even said to him before (while I was standing right there) "well maybe you're sister would like to go out as well" like just times where he was going out to the movies or to a show or something. But he has never ever invited me out.

We don't seem to have very much in common, to be honest, but I suppose it would still be nice if he asked. When we were younger I was glad I had a sibling, because I always had someone to play with, but as we got older we grew way apart.

His friend's have said "Hi" to me, but that was about it. Like on Monday I was down in the living room watching a movie and I didn't expect random people to walk in my house, but they did. Two of my brothers friends walked right in the house, saw me and said "hi," and then went upstairs with my brother. Then of course I was all paranoid that they were snooping around in my bedroom or something.

But... finally! A night where he and his friends aren't here! I guess they're partying somewhere else on this Friday night.


Well-known member
Re: ...

Depressed4life said:
My sister(20) is the biggest hipocrite in the fucking world. SHe's a totally different person with me but she treats other people like royalty and acts mad fake so people can think she's cool. However, with me she's the biggest bitch in the world. One time she left me starving in the beach and she knew i didn't have any money but she went to eat with my cousin and didn't bring me anything. She also told my bf to leave me behind my back and she's always trying to out shine me....

Funny, my sister is the same thing. She acts mad towards me and sometimes she puts me in a bad situation so people think shes cool and treats other people extremely good. My mother also loves to talk bad things I did to other people so she can have a subject. My father is very hipocrite, he would ignore you completely if you pass a great humiliation near him but he makes it look like if he cares about you.

A friend of mine which I considered much, always sided with people who loved to make fun of me and they were really bad with me. It was traumatic.

Some of the things people who you loved did were not simple.... they really hurted sometimes. They were mean.


Well-known member
I have a younger sister who's 19 next month. We've always had such radically different personalities, interests, even looks (people often dont believe us when they find out we're sisters with the same mother and father). She's always been such a goofy, friendly chatterbox so despite being a total man-phobe, she's always enjoyed a full social life.

She's finally growing out of it I think, but when she hit puberty she got so antagonistic of me! She'd go out of her way to remind me what a freak I was for not having any friends, she was always making snide little comments about my looks, and to this day if we have to go out into public together, she always walks at least 10 or 15 feet behind me, like she'd just die of shame if someone mistook us for friends.

So yea, we never were close. But in my sisters defence, it may be due to how mean to her I was as a kid than her just generally being a bitch. ( I couldnt beat her up because I'd get the shit kicked out of me, but I ran the psychological gambit on that kid. What?! She was such a little snot!!)
milo001 said:
Depressed4life said:
My sister(20) is the biggest hipocrite in the fucking world. SHe's a totally different person with me but she treats other people like royalty and acts mad fake so people can think she's cool. However, with me she's the biggest bitch in the world. One time she left me starving in the beach and she knew i didn't have any money but she went to eat with my cousin and didn't bring me anything. She also told my bf to leave me behind my back and she's always trying to out shine me....

mine is the same as well.she's like totally fake in front of others like her friends and bf but she ignored me and talk bad about me. :x

Seems like a lot of people with SA have total bitches for older sisters. Coincidence??

Unlike yours, my sister is a bitch to everyone, but lays it on especially hard with me. She has always, since my earliest memories of her, been concerned only with herself and what other people can do for her, and she will gladly raise hell if her demands are not met. Her domineering personality really shaped me in my earliest years. I was a shy, overly-sensitive kid (just as I'm a shy, overly-sensitive adult now)…I looked up to her and was so easily influenced that she could pretty much get me to do anything. She always had her way, and if she didn’t, I paid. Starting up drama and fights is her favorite thing to do, and as I hate drama and conflict, it comes down to me to stop it…but this means I have to become a submissive, apologetic doormat. Now that I’m older I’ve learned to stick up for myself a little more, but really that only results in more drama. The best option is to stay far, far away…


Well-known member
My brother has the same social (friends and romance) and economical problems as me. But he doesnt suffer from any neurosis and he's normal in social situations.


Well-known member
lazylinepainter said:
milo001 said:
Depressed4life said:
My sister(20) is the biggest hipocrite in the fucking world. SHe's a totally different person with me but she treats other people like royalty and acts mad fake so people can think she's cool. However, with me she's the biggest bitch in the world. One time she left me starving in the beach and she knew i didn't have any money but she went to eat with my cousin and didn't bring me anything. She also told my bf to leave me behind my back and she's always trying to out shine me....

mine is the same as well.she's like totally fake in front of others like her friends and bf but she ignored me and talk bad about me. :x

Seems like a lot of people with SA have total bitches for older sisters. Coincidence??

Unlike yours, my sister is a bitch to everyone, but lays it on especially hard with me. She has always, since my earliest memories of her, been concerned only with herself and what other people can do for her, and she will gladly raise hell if her demands are not met. Her domineering personality really shaped me in my earliest years. I was a shy, overly-sensitive kid (just as I'm a shy, overly-sensitive adult now)…I looked up to her and was so easily influenced that she could pretty much get me to do anything. She always had her way, and if she didn’t, I paid. Starting up drama and fights is her favorite thing to do, and as I hate drama and conflict, it comes down to me to stop it…but this means I have to become a submissive, apologetic doormat. Now that I’m older I’ve learned to stick up for myself a little more, but really that only results in more drama. The best option is to stay far, far away…

i'm sorry to hear that.yeah,just don't talk to her.she don't want to answer me and talk to me anyway.she's a faker. :x avoiding your sis is a really good way.


Well-known member
About my brother:
- only 14 years old and thinks he's can do whatever he wants
- loud and obnoxious (obviously not like me)
- f-cking asshole!
- extremely greedy
- ungrateful
- liar
- always out on the street like a hoodlum with his hoodlum friend (that's what my calls them..lol)
-tries to talk "ghetto"
- has no respect for women
- refers to himself as a "player"
- demon child

...so yeah you get the picture..I don't like him at all!