What are you like behind the wheel?


Well-known member
I'm nervous if somebody else is in the car with me...or in larger cities or something/busy roads... but other than that and if I'm alone...I'm ok.


Well-known member
I am calm and try to abide by the rules a much as possible,sometimes I panic a little when an ambulance is coming and I am near at the intersection,I can get a little crazy when I am late :) .


Active member
when i'm driving, i feel very calm ... like I don't have SA. I sing (sometimes dance) along with the music, i'm always aware of my surroundings, i'll drive kinda fast, and i feel in control. i'm just very relaxed (most of the time)...

other times, i let off a lot of steam. i usually don't show anger or stress when in public, so when i have to, i let it all out in the car. on the freeway, if a car cuts me off, is wayy too fast, wayy to slow (while on the phone) when i'm late, i'll lose it and i'll just start yelling profanities. it might make me sound crazy but i'm still controlled while driving and have never gotten into an accident (or a ticket) because of it.
I am always terrified that I will crash and run into everyone/everything and kill them. I'm also afraid that they will kill me too. I always think I am too far over, not going to fast etc etc etc. I also don't like driving with people, not only because I feel I am a horrible driver, but also because I can't drive with shoes and people think it's weird :/.
How I drive... I pull the seat forward (cause I'm short) then tip it back (cause I'm a thug).

Um... Usually I drive pretty reasonably, but sometimes if people are going slow (doing the speed limit) I will overtake them. I fancy myself to be a good driver, though I'm not like a pro or anything. I'm not really afraid of dying on the road. I just don't think about it.


Well-known member
I hate having passengers in my car becasue i feel that they are watching my every move. On my own i am calm and i feel that after 10 years driving experience i am quite confident driving, but i get confused and sometimes panicky in big unfamiliar towns/cities.


Well-known member
I'm really easily distracted, which is NOT a good thing when it comes to driving. I am even worse when I have to drive with other people in my car. It is so horrible trying to pay attention to the road AND trying to hold a conversation. A couple of weeks ago I was trying to talk to a parent while driving. Next thing I knew she was asking why I was stopping at a green light. :oops:


The only thing for me is I'm a slow learner when it comes to driving and I hesitate too much and am afraid of making a mistake. Plus I forget to pay attention and know what it going on around me. I wouldn't say it's related very much to my interactions with people or my shyness etc.