What are the worst movie's u ever saw?


Well-known member
By far, the worst movie I've seen in years is Ice Cube's BARBERSHOP. Please don't waste your money on the DVD or waste your electricity by watching it on pay TV.


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Conan The Destroyer. It had me in fits of laughter as the acting was terrible (Arnie not being noted for his acting skills at the best of times).


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I know they're supposed to be classics but 2001:A Space Odyssey and Apocolyse Now more boring then watching paint dry.


New member
Sorry to say, but I fear Napoleon Dynamite was the worst waste of time I've ever spent on a movie. =|

And Dark Water was a waste...


Well-known member
dzerklis said:
the worst movie i have seen is Eraserhead.
Hey, you don't like me!? :D Okay, it was a bit weird, but the dinner scene was hilarious. Worst date ever.

Don't know about worst movie, but Nikos the Impaler was pretty rubbish.


Well-known member
I haven't seen it, but do not plan on doing so. But i saw an advertisement for a movie called...SNAKES ON A PLANE. Maybe i am jumping the gun, but it really does look stupid. :roll: What a silly idea.


Well-known member
you....got.....served.... 8O

Though it made me laugh loads, THATS how bad the movie truely is.

i gotta add that freddy got fingered is just jesus!!!! though i perfer his shows/dvds.


Well-known member
I watched Armageddon the other night, and it has to be (has to be!) the worst, most rediculous movie I have ever seen. I was cringing the whole way through. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was literately hiding behind my cushion for at least half of it - and not out of fear!


Well-known member
"Eyes wide shut" with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise..is it just me or did anyone else not understand that movie at all? :? Also the story was just.. 8O :? There are no words...or enough emoticons to describe it!


Mary said:
"Eyes wide shut" with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise..is it just me or did anyone else not understand that movie at all? :? Also the story was just.. 8O :? There are no words...or enough emoticons to describe it!

i was just about to add this one! awful film, took my first g/f to see and you could see everyone in the cinema just wanting the film to end lol


Well-known member
Manos-The Hands of Fate. Even with MST3k's riffing, that film is pretty hard to get through.


There are actually Stanley Kubrick films on this list?

Anyways, mine is Pay It Forward. I've seen pretentious movies, I've seen Oscar-baiting movies, I've seen gimmicky plot movies... and I hate all of them, but never before have I seen all of these qualities working together in such perfectly awful harmony. The characters are annoying and they never really develop... it's just a bunch of feel-goody dreck with a horrible, manipulative ending.

Titanic is a close second... it's a laughable epic of badness.
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