what are psychiatrists like?


Well-known member
The last time I went to the doctors about my shyness ( quite a few yrs back) I was reffered to counsellors, but they didnt help at all (I was there about 6 months), perhaps because they didnt know about social phobia etc.

But Im going back to the doctors and think they would refer me to a psychiatrist. What are they like? Are they nicer than counsellors? Are they easier to talk to? Do they ask as many difficult questions as counsellors do?



Well-known member
IronMaidenRockess said:
The last time I went to the doctors about my shyness ( quite a few yrs back) I was reffered to counsellors, but they didnt help at all (I was there about 6 months), perhaps because they didnt know about social phobia etc.

But Im going back to the doctors and think they would refer me to a psychiatrist. What are they like? Are they nicer than counsellors? Are they easier to talk to? Do they ask as many difficult questions as counsellors do?

Honestly, no. Depending on many factors, you will probably find your experience with a psychiatrist much the same as with a counsellor, except the psychiatrist can prescribe medication.

If you didn't like one counselor you saw, or two, that's one thing, but it sounds like you didn't like quite a few counselors, in which case I doubt you will like a psychiatrist either.

It is definitely possible that a psychiatrist will know more about social phobia than your counselors, but don't expect the doc to be your friend, to be nice, or to avoid difficult questions that force you to do some introspection.

To get benefit from visiting a counselor or psychiatrist, you have to want to work with them, and honestly try hard to work with them, to help yourself improve in the ways you want to. Going in to see a therapist is not going to always feel easy and comfortable - sometimes it can be very stressful to confront your fears or have them scrutinized - but if the doc does his job and you do yours, you should end up feeling better. Does that make sense?

I do recommend, based on your experience with your counselors, that you identify the types of treatment you responded to the best (behavioral, cognitive, psychotherapy, etc) and find a psychiatrist who specializes in that type of therapy.


Well-known member
IronMaidenRockess said:
The last time I went to the doctors about my shyness ( quite a few yrs back) I was reffered to counsellors, but they didnt help at all (I was there about 6 months), perhaps because they didnt know about social phobia etc.

But Im going back to the doctors and think they would refer me to a psychiatrist. What are they like? Are they nicer than counsellors? Are they easier to talk to? Do they ask as many difficult questions as counsellors do?


Ive been to a total of 14 Counsellors/Psychiatrists in the past ten years

it always seems very hit and miss but in general I have found Counsellors easier to talk with but less effective. Counsellors are good at helping you to understand things better and give you some ideas to try but none have helped me significantly in the past.

I've had some very bad experiences with state funded psychiatrists, eg: the crazy one who just wanted to practise hypnosis and the other one who totally misdiagnosed me and gave me steriods which still cause me massive health problems. Other ones at the emergency psyciatric hospital were extremely clinical but were good for giving me addictive happy pills as short term solutions

about half a year ago I decided to give it one more try, but this time I didnt rely on the public health system or any subsidised help. I pay what for me is a large amount of my income every week (about the same amount as I pay for rent) to see a private psyciatrist and he seems to be both a lot easier to get on with and seems to be more effective

so I guess it just comes down to finding the right person for you


Well-known member
Thanks for your replies.

Ive heard alot about patients being given medication. Is it possible to take medication in a liquid form, as I cant swallow pills :(

Ive always had this problem. I have to have disgusting disolvable ones lol


Well-known member
IronMaidenRockess said:
Thanks for your replies.

Ive heard alot about patients being given medication. Is it possible to take medication in a liquid form, as I cant swallow pills :(

Ive always had this problem. I have to have disgusting disolvable ones lol
You'll have to discuss this with your doctor, as to what medications are right for you, and what options are available. As to my experience, I'm on a medication right now where the pill is literally the size of a grain of rice :)


Well-known member
IronMaidenRockess said:
What are they like? Are they nicer than counsellors? Are they easier to talk to? Do they ask as many difficult questions as counsellors do?


thats essentially asking what personalities do psychiatrists have, which its safe to say varies as much as civilians. The key is finding a professional that you can form a connection with, feel comfortable with, who understands you. I guess u would have to experiment, maybe ask people on this board who live close to you if they recommend someone who may fit the profile of the kind of person u would want to confide in.

btw the psychiatrist and the counsellor i talked to, i preferred the counsellor, maybe cause she was female and younger, so its easier to relate to her. And her personality was more amiable and impersonable.


Well-known member
It's a crap shoot when you go to psychiatrist.The first one that I went to I was terrified of the because she was really mean.The the second one was not much better but the one I have now is pretty good.

Like anything dealing with people you will get bad ones and good ones.You have to find the one that fits your needs and you can get along with.Some wont have the experience in what you need help in.Some will.Do some checking around to make sure they do.Don't let set backs with psychiatrist discourage you.Also like other people said try to work with them.

Good luck on finding the right one for you. :D