I dont agree.
I think we are simply too introspective and overly concerned with social acceptance and what others think of us.
I dont really see that as the same thing as being selfish. Selfish to me is only being concerned with what you want out of life and not caring about other peoples feelings and needs.
I may be overly focused on myself and how im feeling at times (very introspective) but i am a highly sensitive person and if another person is upset i can sense it and my reaction is to want to soothe or heal them.
Similarly i can sense when someone is in a bad mood, or a happy mood etc and so on.
I care very much about the feelings, wants and desire of those around me, and i will sometimes bend over backwards to try and make people happy/please them.
Although i will admit i dont like being around people who are in a bad mood. The negative energy that bad mood gives off sucks the energy out of you and leaves you feeling in a bad mood as well (even if you were in a good mood beforehand).
But yes i can be highly introspective and at those times i can be a little oblivious to what other people are really feeling. It only happens around people im not familiar with though, because my anxiety blocks out my usual sensitivity so i cant pick up on their mood so easily.
Basically i just cant control my anxiety when im around people i dont know very well, probably because i was bullied at school, am so highly sensitive, and lack confidence.
I dont think that makes me selfish.
Ie if i were selfish, i wouldnt care if i offended someone or not, and well i do care if i accidently offend someone and it usually results in me feeling the need to appologise.
I also have a bit of ocd and that can make me introspective at times as well. At those times im actually obsessing or ruminating over something, im not being intentionally selfish. What it does mean i often do though is repeat myself in conversations as i dont feel as though i have articulated myself properly the first time or it causes me to go on an on about the topic im ruminating over. This seems to annoy people so its easier if i dont try and mix at those times. People only criticise me for going on or repeating myself and that makes my social anxiety even worse
I dont mean to go on and on, its just sometimes my brain wont shut up about the subject and i cant help it
Put a record on and play it over and over again day in and day out, and thats what my brain can be like sometimes. It even drives me up the wall some days.
Also i edit my posts a lot so if people have criticisms of my constant editing can we get it out the way now cause ive been slammed to hell and back on another forum board for it. Its just that i make a lot of typos (although i try to make myself leave some in it if i have made some sometimes), my grammar has to read fluidly (im fussy) and i get a lot of afterthoughts that i feel i need to add to my post or the post feels incomplete without them and i feel as though i have not articulated myself properly.
Sometimes i think i should be a hermit and move out into the middle of nowhere where i cant annoy anyone by being me 8O