weight lifting cured my deep depression


Well-known member
2 weeks ago I was in deep depression with suicidal thoughts every minute of the day I already had a plan and was on the verge of doing it.
Then a friend asked me to do weight lifting with him I really was pushed and the more I did it the more I loved it learning different excersises, diets, supplements take max 10 reps....it also lifted my generalized anxiety disorder to almost zero when I work out die hard...

take a sauna after a good workout afhterwards cold water and have never felt so relaxed in the past 7 years of generalized anxiety disorder...

My suicidal thoughts are now gone afhter 4-5 times a week 1.5-2 hours in the past 2 weeks heavy weight ligting, sometimes I still feel depressed but not like I was 2 weeks ago, 2 months of deep depression almost killed me.


Well-known member
Yep, working out usually takes my mind off of things and makes me feel healthier and better about myself.