

omg i smoked a joint today and i went to school and it was amazing i couldn't even shutup and i said whatever i felt like i never knew that weed would be that good
damn that sounds awesome!!! I can't wait till next week my room mate is gonna get a bunch of weed for us it's gonna be saweet!!!! Maybe I'll even be able to talk to the girl I like!


OMG Please, please don't use weed as a crutch for this. It only works in the short term, in the long term it can make it worse.

Long term use increases paranoia and we can all agree that we don't need to be any more paranoid.

Take it from me, it doesn't help. You'll end up worse than before when your straight and reliant on it to continue the relationships you have formed.

Besides, weed only gives you an up buzz if you use it occassionally, if you use it long term you get a down buzz after the first few times.


Well-known member
Smart Cat is right, it's bad news.

I smoked dope for most of my adult life (I stopped in 2002) and, whilst it appeared to be all good in the beginning, it soon started to have a negative effect on my mental health (panic attacks, depression, paranoia etc). It also led to me taking other, more dangerous drugs, such as LSD, amphetamine and cocaine. It all went hand in hand.

If I could turn back time that's the one thing I would change. I would never have started taking drugs. Dope is the most dangerous of all, because it has somehow become socially acceptable.

We all do what we feel is right, but please trust me when I say this stuff is bad news. I used drugs for over a decade and saw nothing but a negative result - both physically and mentally - on both myself and the other people around me who used it.

Coming onto a public forum and making irresponsible, ill informed comments about how great drugs are shows a great lack of insight, maturity and common sense. If you can be strong and stand up to the social pressures encouraging you to use it, your life will be much better, believe me.

The choice is yours.


Well-known member
yeah i started having sa ,after taking crystal ,off course that is not the reason i have sa ,but i think is easierto have .


Cant agree with gloomysunday more tbh... ive had bad exepriences with weed aswell.Was great when i first started smoking it but it so increased my anxiety after a while,and when i quit it my sp hit like a sack of bricks.Ive heard of a few people say it helps there anxiety... but still imho booze helps with my anxiety but that doesnt mean its a good idea to get pissed everyday :D
Damn I tried it the other day and it was the worst experience of my life! It made me just wanna lay on the couch completely motionless and stare at the TV...Every time I moved my heart would start beating uncontrolably I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack!! I'm never doing it again that's for sure!


Active member
yeh weed is bad news. its where all my problems started in the first place. before i had no issues. no hang ups. after a year of heavy smoking, and quiting. ive have paranioa issues, depression, and generally not felt comfortable in my skin. 5 years on i still go through patches of feeling horriable.
stay away form it!


Just realize this; if you are still a growing child under 18, Pot can and will stunt your growth, and permanantly alter your brain chemistry. And, your grounded! :lol:
does this site ave a bug? i cant seem to tjype without so manjy errors and thejy wont delete. its almost always a j? anyway it exasperates how you feel so its good and bad.


Well-known member
i agree with gloomysunday also.

at the same time, i am definitely not an "anti-drug" type and I think everyone should be free to do what they want. if you like smoking weed and think it helps you, then go ahead.

but yeah, i've done drugs in the past, and the one I've done for the longest is weed (for years) and none of them helped my situation. they just made things worse.


Active member
Tbh when i was smoking cannabis it was a teenage kick for me. i was like 15, i werent doing it to make myself feel better or anything, it was just coz ya know at 15, its what you do! mates got a joint. u smoke some.

but now i am 20 and siting there giggling at south park or getting munchies, sat there for 4 hours straight doesnt really appeal to me lol

also ive learned to appreaciate the value of health, especaily mental health, coz u see people who have spent there lives drinking and smoking at 50+ and they look older, often not got alot of money, really dont have much to talk about in their lives, where as someone who hasnt drank and smoked all their lives have more money, look better, have had more interesting lifes, and generally are happier people.

if u need to loose yaself, loose yaself in watching a film or reading a book. or just go to sleep if your bored. rather than having a 'good time' not even in reality. plus as u get past 17 most people think your a dickhead if u spend all ya time getting pissed and stoned.

join a dance class, learn something...ya know ya can do fun stuff sober. theres nothing wrong in going out having some drinks once a week or woteva, but everything in moderation.
i get competely pissed only at birthdays, celebrations and holidays now. much better.


Marijuana works great for anxiety as long as you're able to find the right kind and use it in great moderation. There are two varieties of marijuana which have very different effects. The Indica strains work best for anxiety, since it's the more sedating of the two varieties. The other kind is called Sativa, and only makes anxiety worse, causing a flood of racing thoughts for most people. A basic way for distinguishing the two varieties is the color, Indica usually being the a darker green color. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, and it's best to get a look at the plants your weed comes from. Too bad most people very rarely get to see the live plants from which they smoke. But if you do, Indicas are short bushy plants with dark green leaves and buds and wide leaves. Sativas are taller and light green with skinny leaves.

Just remember, moderation is the key when using marijuana to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Once in the evening after a stressful day (most days seem to be for us) is plenty. Any more than that and you're just overdoing it. I smoked nearly every day for the last 4-5 years and decided to quit altogether a little over 2 months ago and I can't believe how much clearer I'm thinking now. I'm all of a sudden making good life choices and I'm actually much less anxious in general than when I was constantly blazed. My panic attacks are even less frequent. As of two weeks ago I've made a vow only smoke 3 times per week at most, and i find the highs much more pleasant, my state of mind much clearer, and my panic attacks less frequent. Please take my advice if you choose to self-medicate with weed and just don't overdo it. It'll work out much better for you, I promise :wink: .



And as for Dr. Phil, he isn't even a real doctor. A recent study in the UK found marijuana to be less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. If you're really interested in the topic, go to the Introductions section on this site and take a look at the "Medical Marijuana Treats Anxiety" thread. It's filled with a ton of great information.



Active member
For a long time I have denied the help that weed gives me-- but I am sick of suffering-
When I smoke I am a much happier person- I enjoy Life...

But I am having problems with when to smoke-- The first hour is pretty intense-- after that it feels like a functional high-- i.e. I think can go to school with that frame of mind---

Anyone have any tips for using and functioning ?

I would like to smoke before the day and not after- mostly because while high I feel I would have a better chance realting to other people- versus goign the whole day miserable and going home to forget how much I care...

( I have tried medication after medication- they don;t work for me)


Well-known member
Silent type put it best.

It is ignorant to believe that all people will have their lives destroyed by weed or that they will be saved and live happily ever after if they use it. Just like all things in life its risks and rewards must be measured with an intelligent, responsible, well informed mind in order to decide whether something is worthwhile for YOU.

I rarely ever smoke (maybe once every 2 months). I will feel incredibly fantastic when I smoke some types of weed and horribly panicky when I smoke other types (as silent described). I never, ever, experience any of the horribly negative personality/mood effects that alcohol leaves with me for the next 4 days after drinking. I always feel less depressed and better able to focus and socialize the next couple days after smoking weed.

Its probably best to not even touch it until you are 18 or so. A lot of people much lower in age don't have very good decision making skills and are often swamped with adolescent emotions/angst which weed has the strong potential to complicate or become an addictive escape of.
i know a lot of people who say that weed triggered their SP and i've never been sure whether it affected mine or not...i started smoking it again 4 years ago..a gram of grass a day and i stopped 8 days ago. suddenly i am able to answer the telephone 8O and front door...i guess all my denying that it was negative has been proved wrong...my head is clear and i can assert myself and express my opinions without doubting myself constantly....having said that i've also been off alcohol for the 8 days (i'm an alkie) so thats also made a difference self-esteem wise...really i dont think i will go back to the dope...its comforting when youre stuck at home with a lot of time on your hands and enhances music and masturbating but...i'm feeling pretty good without it now i'm over the withdrawal (yes theres withdrawal even with what is here a legal ''drug'' ) when i look at my friend whos been toking for 35 years i can clearly see that its made him isolated, paranoid and socially inept. indeed just standing in the queue in a koffieshop here you can FEEL the weird tension, not that that stopped me for the last 4 years or when i was a teenager...but yeh...not going back to that in any hurry, even for the sake that you build up a tolerance so fast it starts to suck up all your money and is a hassle to be enslaved to going to town to get it when you have SP. the only people i think it really helps are aggressive people who need it to calm then down and sick people who cant get out anyway (because it makes music and telly better). its like weaving a bubble round yourself...nice at first..until you need to leave it for a minute and then bhambham its all nastyville out there. :oops:


it all depends on the strain and the individuals mindset,different strains are better than others,indicas are more of a narcotic down type of stone that stupefying type shit that may not be good for someone already socially challenged its the type of weed that will make you go duHHHHH certainly not good for some1 trying to be social,but some sativas can cause a racing heart,sweating hallucinations.the best strain ive found to help with both sa and depression without making you paranoid or other adverse effects is white rhino.but its different for every1,check out greenmans strain guide for info.also sativas with high thcv is more uplifting and euphoric,found only in some sativas such as cambodian,thais,vietnamese