We Are Not Different , We Are Better ?

I want to agree with you, and do so on certain aspects. But the definition of ''good'', ''better'' and ''realistic'' can't be defined without use of personal opinion. Which means, that any of these arguments can't be right, nor wrong (even though neither of those exist either, but that's a whole different lecture). Like anything else that is measured with use of personal opinion/feelings, the reality of it only exists in your brain. Mere electrical signals.

No matter how we see the world, we'll always be sheep of our own personal reality. Which quite frankly is affected by a number of factors (not to mention that the human reality itself is fabricated by your own mind to attempt to understand the world and universe around it).

Whether our mindset is better or worse then the (most) common one, is not really for one person to decide. If you think so, then it's true for you. And I don't mean that in a condescending way. I really mean that, if it works for you, you should believe it.

But I don't think a ''realistic'' mentality is enough reward if it means suffering for the rest of your life. Especially when you consider what I mentioned above. We're not all-knowing creatures, nor is it likely that we'll ever will be, so why bother (too much) with uncovering trivial things like ''realism'' and ''truth''? All you ought/have to do is make your short life as good and satisfactory as you can possibly make it before being deconstructed. If that means using this mentality, then you should definitely do so.

But before you do, you have to ask yourself; Is the suffering REALLY worth it? Or is that something I tell myself as an excuse to not have to change?

Remember, I'm neither wrong nor right. Whether this is true or false for you is all up to you. I hope it helped. If not, I apologize.

I think this post proves Diesel's point. Nice

Sea Bass

Well-known member
We are not that much different from others. We are also by no means "better" than others. Our ways of being are but only one way a human being can go about in his or her own life. If it is possible for us to be a certain way, it is very likely that others have the ability to be just like us or at one point had the potential to. We are all mortals.


Well-known member
I think like this sometimes too, but then I have to remember that the only reason I'm trying to make myself better than others in my own mind is for an ego boost in the midst of having SAD. I don't think it'll help me get better. I think that putting yourself on the same playing field as everyone else, smarter or not (and I have an IQ of 137), is the best road to take. Nobody knows anything, and we're all human.

If we try to base our self esteems on intelligence, looks, athleticism, religiousness, or even on our ability to socialize with other people... we don't imbue worth into WHO we are. Only what we have. That might be part of the problem.

"Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be." -Leo Tolstoy

I think we try to think of ourselves as really smart or gifted or whatever-- though we may very well be, and I also think SAD people tend to be highly intelligent too-- we're only doing it because we don't feel loved. If we don't feel loved, the next best thing is inflating our ego with something... One time I did this by playing Tetris 8 hours a day till I became the 2nd fastest player in Texas-- but the sad truth was, nobody CARES! And nobody cares how smart you are, how much weight you can lift or how fast you can run, or how well you can play an instrument or draw or paint or sing or dance or whatever. What people really care about is what kind of person you are.

If we must take to these pursuits, let it be because we enjoy doing them. Not because of what we'll get from others' awe-struck faces.

I'm thankful people don't love me for my talents. That'd be a stressful performance-based life. It's all about your heart.

I have to say I do agree with the ego-boost point . Feeling we are superior/better can be used for an almost comforting effect also but I really tried to step back and view honestly but of course i can't ever truly know if my view is unbiased or not .

Well im not so sure people nowadays care about what kind of person you are . Take myself for example , I live my life by an almost code of honor . People don't care at all but I don't care if they even notice or not because it is important to me and that's what I think is important .

But i do like your final point " It's all about your heart " , statements like this are what almost cement my view that maybe "we" are better because that isnt what the average person of society lives by . Then again who am I to even form an opinion , to judge other people or to even contemplate such ideas .
I'd love to add more to this discussion but Im in a rush to get to work...
All I will say is that my hypersensitivity seems to bring me a lot of pain.
But I wouldnt trade it for the world. I feel that I see so many things, untainted that most people around me do not. It makes me feel incredibly lonely, isolated and, yes, different. I do not think it will change, Im 35 now and its still with me. Ive begun, finally to accept this. I do not know if "better" is the right way of describing it, but I think it gives more even more responsibility to "do the right thing", this is seldom understood. So who's "different", really? Or stronger? I think we are - because we have to be.
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