Watching TV and movies.


Well-known member
I hardly ever watch TV in the loungeroom, unless it is something that has been approved by the family. Im not a 10 year old, but I f I watch something they don't like Im affraid they will judge me personally. I don't want them to think Im the kind of person who watches or indulges in violence, etc.

When I go to the movies with friends, I can never tell my parents what movie im going to see. They don't mind, but I keep thinking they will judge me on what movies I see. It takes a lot of energy to tell them afterwards too.


Well-known member
We all judge people based on what they watch. But I seem to have a problem with people judging me. I fear that it provides an insight into my personality, or the person will think the show I am watching isn't good enough and is only watched by a certain group of people, which have negative connotations.


Well-known member
bite the bullet its important to try and over come your fears about others judgement about you and parents are a good place to start.


New member
I feel like this a lot of the time. I also don't play music in my room incase others don't 'approve'/judge!

I can completely relate to the going to the movies and not wanting to say which film you are going to see. I would always pretend I didn't know which film i was going to see and afterwards try and avoid the subject. i have NO IDEA why...even for completely normal films i'd feel like that.


Well-known member
I always say "I don't know" when my parents ask about what movies I'm going to see and avoid mentioning afterwards. They won't mind usually, but I still have this thought that I will be judged negatively.

I never listen to music unless I'm using headphones. Even when I use headphones, I always check to see whether the music can still be heard, especially songs that my type wouldn't usually listen to. Im okay with loud Muse or Radiohead, but some others, I play them very quiet in the middle of the night only.
I hardly watch TV at all anymore because the only working set is downstairs in the living room where my parents usually are. I avoid it for the same reasons, fear of being judged for what I'm watching. Also partially because there usually isn't anything good on.

The few shows that I really, really like watching I download off the internet. I've been thinking about getting a TV tuner card for my computer, but there are other things I'd rather spend my money on.


Well-known member
Why would you be afraid of being judged by your parents in relation to what you watch on TV? Parents never like what their kids watch on TV. Obviously, there's quite a generation gap between parents & their kids so don't worry so much. I mean, do you really like everything they watch? I'm sure you don't. Do you judge them because of it? Doubtful.
Watch whatever ya want ~ unless you're watching a crazy porn vid infront of them, I'm sure they won't "judge" you. They raised you, so it's pretty unlikley they'll think you're a horrible person for watching what they see as a "dumb/violent" show. What's the worst that can happen? Do you honestly think that if you watched an episode of Jerry Springer or some other trash TV, they'd see you as a bad person? TV is for entertainment & if you find a certain show entertaining, watch it ~ no harm done.


Well-known member
I agree with the above, I can survive without TV. Other than cricket and footy, I don't get the urge to watch anything very often.

However, its when I have nothing to do and i'm sitting in the loungeroom, randomly watching a show. I get very tense for some reason, I know I shouldn't, theres no reason to. However, ridding of these feelings is easier said than done.


Cant you just tell them what you watched but say you thought it was shit? I am similar I dont like people thinking I like to watch violent films or ones with sex in or anything but if I do and its good I just say that it was rubbish!
And I think people only judge you, not for watchin the odd film of a particular genre - but if you were seen to obsess over a particular genre like 'gore' or something (like my friend Vici) then maybe you would be judged. But I dont think badly of my friend for it anyways - I think it an interesting part of her personality!


Well-known member
Most of the time I don't have a problem watching TV with other people around. Sometimes I get a bit embarrassed when I might flick to another channel for a second to see if theres anything better onand there'll be something embarrassing on and they think I was watching it. But its usually no big deal.


Well-known member
I usually enjoy TV or movies a lot more on my own. When i lived with my family they were just annoying to be around! They'd ask questions nonstop like "What's this movie about?" "What's it called" and "What has happened so far?" or they'd talk on the phone while in the room. Just really annoying stuff. But yeah the worst is when your mom is in the room and the movie goes to a sex scene - just awkwardness i'd rather avoid at all costs!!
As far as music goes, I have an issue with playing loud music in my own apartment! I think the people going in and out of the their own apartments in the hallway will judge me, or i'll worry that the neighbours are irritated by it if it's too loud or whatever.
Yeah, I do the exact same thing. The only time I'll watch something that I think they might not approve is when there not there, and I'll turn the volume down super low just so I can hear peoples footsteps and stuff. It's crazy,


Well-known member
Yeah! I find that I won't even share with my family who my favourite actor or actress is unless I know for sure that their opinion of that person will be similar to mine. Its a whole fear about people disagreeing with me. Most things like that I keep to myself, and I don't like that because it makes it hard for people to really get to know me. I find it interesting to know what others are interested in. But I can't convince myself to open up that way to ... my own family even.


Well-known member
Psychedelicious, I do that too, if I'm watching something that I feel might be interesting, I often have the tv turned down in paranoia that somebody might ask what I'm watching and then watch it with me and judge. Even my own family.


Well-known member
Well, I guess I'm a bit older than the rest of you guys, but I have a similar problem. Usually my husband has control of the TV remote. Only on rare occasions will I say I want to watch something specific. And without fail, my husband will act so demonstratively bored with the program, that I soon give up and go upstairs to read a book. Pretty unfair. He also swears that he wasn't acting bored and that I was just imagining it. Maybe I was, who knows....