Washington D.C and Masonic/occultic symbols!


Well-known member
La-girl, I haven't checked that link, but I think it's often easy to put together a few sentences extrapolated from the context of a person's speeches, or to mix bits of video footage without showing what happens before and next, and in this way to construct a story that seems "proven". I suspect this type of sites often do just that. (but again, I admit I can't be sure in this particular case)

As for Schwarznegger... he was born in the forties I believe, in the homeland of Hitler, and it's not impossible at all that any of his relatives may have had na*i sympaties... maybe he too had the occasional moment of stupidity when he was young, it could be. But I wouldn't go farther than that, honestly (note that I'm NOT a big fan of Schwarzy neither as an actor nor as a governor, although he is probably no worse than the average republican)


Well-known member
Ah...finally some reactions! :D

First about the "hook em horns".

Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto :
This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups.


Now, the hook em horn or devil-sign or whatever is not a big issue here really. I mean we can definately not accuse anyone of being occult or satanists by showing off these signs. It's just a bit strange that they have managed to picture all these people from the elite, from different part of the world, showing off this sign...

But if you start digging into this, not just with a couple of documentaries, but several, and also when they show EVIDENCE for this apparently occultic pratice among many leaders. For instance The Skull and Bones and the movie tape made from the Bohemian grove... It could not be anymore obvious that the setting there is occultic. (Arnold and Bush among many other leaders are participants at this yearly arrangement.
And yes you're right Arnolds father was a volunteare for the nazis.)---Ok, I see the mods have edited the n-word, but it was the party that Hitler was in charge of... Btw do you think the germans knew that Hitler was Luciferian and was a fan of the occult? I don't think so! But for some reason we never think it can happen again, not to us! However I do understand that people will find this ridiculous and completely crazy if you don't take time to study it out, but if you do and see the evidences I think you can no longer hide it under a chair that it is true.
That seems to be the problem though, people think it is too crazy to even mind it a further thought... :roll:

You know I am not a person who buy very easily into things...at least not anymore. And you are right, there are a lot of stupid conspiracy movies out there without the slightest crediability, but thankfully I have managed to find quite a few serious ones too. The problem though is that the most credible ones are too boring for the general public as they put out a lot of evidences.


Well-known member
You know I am not a person who buy very easily into things...at least not anymore. And you are right, there are a lot of stupid conspiracy movies out there without the slightest crediability, but thankfully I have managed to find quite a few serious ones too. The problem though is that the most credible ones are too boring for the general public as they put out a lot of evidences.

Well let me clarify this. I didn't say that we should all take our political leaders' honesty for granted, on the contrary it's healthy for any democracy to have a continuous scrutiny on them by the general public. Sometimes, unsual and apparently "not credible" misdoings do come to the surface, and like you say, the worst people can do is to just assume "nothing will happen" just because they are used to things going more or less smoothly.

BUT I do think that "evidence" of bizarre conspirations should be "handled with care". One should ask oneself if the persons supposedly involved in these affaires would have some good reasons for engaging in them. I mean, I'm ready to believe or at least consider a story about high officials in the government stealing public money, but I would be less concerned about a story telling of their worshipping of the devil.

You also mentioned hitler. Well I think his ideology and "policies" were evil enough in themselves for the german people to reject them if they had had some brain and morals at the time, and his appreciation for the world of magic should have been know to anybody attending na*i parades in the thirties. It was all quite evident. I really don't see the same in Berlusconi's child-like horns in front of the camera, or the other guys doing their victory sign or whatever it is.
Remember that conspiracy theories on the jews' supposed plans to take over the world were also a naz* favourite, why not believe them as well?

Again, my idea is everything should be evaluated, but, as you certainly understand, with a pinch of salt :wink:


Well-known member
Wow, you're really quick to pull the trigger today! Puh!
Ah...I wish it was couple of hours earlier cause my eyes looking anxiously down at my pillow. So I will try to answer you tomorrow when my brain is working. I'll just answer one question, about the jews...
Who said I was done :wink: You know the secret societies are all over the world, and are most profound in United States and Israel if I remember correctly. I think most of the prime-ministers in Israel in the last 50-100 years at least have all been Masons. That is also true for the United States (from the beginninig--was it 1798?)

Now, I believe you are correct. Of course we should evaluate these things properly and critically, and like I said the hook em horns are definately not solid evidence for accusing someone of practising occultism. But there are indeed solid evidences that one has to study out carefully before making a decision whether this is humbug (is that an eng. word?) or not.

Also I want you to keep in mind that many of the pictures in here are to hopefully make people engaged in wanting to find out more rather than functioning as solid evidences. Like I said it does take time to study the true evidences...

Now---yawn...Good night!



Well-known member
but I would be less concerned about a story telling of their worshipping of the devil.

Yes, that would be understandable coming from an atheist! :wink:
But first of all if these conspiracy-theories/facts (?) should turn out to be correct, wouldn't you find it at least a bit weird that many of the top leaders and most of the elite that have an influence on people are members of these secret societies which, at least at the higher degrees, are fully aware that it is Lucifer and Satan that is their God? (Now that's a fact)!
Also it is not just a matter of whom they are worshipping, but the question about these powerful people wanting to control the whole world. They speak about democracy, but when you look at United States it seems to be turning more and more into a fascist police state.

If people shake their heads now and don't know what I'm talking about, please take a look at this SHOCKING video, you only need to watch about 10 minutes or so to get the idea:

Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State


...It sure doesn't seem very democratic to me! 8O



Well-known member
Am I the only one finding this a bit strange?


As you look closely at this picture, you simply cannot miss the blasphemous Satanic Inverted Cross behind the head of the seated Pontiff.

Inverted Cross
The inverted cross had been most commonly used as one of the "religious" symbols of medieval Satanists, because their ceremonies were the reverse of Christianity. Currently, it is still sometimes worn by modern Satanists, purely symbolically, often as a protest against Christianity.

"Even if the upside down cross were originally some Romish invention to trick people into believing Peter was in Rome it has RIGHTLY turned itself into a Satanic symbol because it was founded on a LIE. Satan is the father of lies, John 8:44. There is no biblical evidence that Peter ever even went to Rome much less died there on an upside down cross. Paul wrote the letter to the Romans and greeted a whole lotta people there by name--with no mention of Peter. The Lord told PAUL that he was to bear witness of Him in Rome--NOT PETER--


This emaciated Jesus hanging pathetically from this curved cross is called the "Twisted Cross".
This sinister symbol was created by Satanists in the Sixth Century11 as a caricature of the Traditional Crucifix. But, very soon, this Twisted, or Bent, Cross became one of the Satanist's symbol of Mark of the Beast.Satanists created the Twisted Cross in 666 A.D. to caricature the Roman Catholic traditional Crucifix, but quickly adopted it as one of their many symbols for Antichrist. This Satanic symbol was revived by Vatican Two, albeit in great secret.13 Yet, very soon, the Pope of that time, Paul VI, suddenly began using this Crucifix in public ceremonies, without any publicity or fanfare!! "Yet not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ."


Hitler greets Müller the "Bishop of the Reich" and Abbot Schachleitner


Catholic Bishops giving the N-a-z-i salute in honor of Hitler


National Bishop Friedrich Coch giving a Hitler greeting in Dresden, 10 December 1933


Well-known member
I'm afraid when it comes to symbols and their meaning anything can be found and its meaning can be interpreted in countless ways. About those example you cite, I would like to check if that picture with the inverted cross has not been manipulated in some sort of way, it really doesn't take a computer expert to make a regular square cross a little elongated in its upper part, thus resembling the inverted one you mention. And in any case, isn't it a bit unreasonable to assume that a cross shaped hole in the marble must necessarily have the meaning of a christian cross, inverted or not? Couldn't it be simply an ornament? Or a symbol of something else?

As an example of what I mean to say, I can remember seeing the famous na*i symbol that we all know used as a decoration on a medieval piece of furniture belonging to a jewish family. The same symbol, incidentally, happens to be an ancient celtic drawing that was used by the celts to symbolize the sun. The german dictator later in history picked it, probably without much research but mainly because it was easy to draw and memorize. So how is that? Either there is some subtle misterious connection between some poor celtic tribes hardly making a living in their villages, national socialism, and the jewish people (which I strongly doubt), or one has to accept that these things do not have much value in themselves.

As for the remaining pictures of "high officials" of the catholic church being "close" to the nazi in some pictures...well you see the church is a large organization, with so many members, and acts internationally. And so was germany. What is so strange about those pictures? You could find pictures of many things, people, and organizations with some na*i person inside, as long as they have been shot in the thirties. It's like if you find a picture of some guy from Green Peace discussing with some politician about environmental issues and you conclude that "green peace is an organization created by the secret services to fool the general public into believing this and that" It's about the same.

Finally, if really one should become so suspicious of everything, then why believing you in the first place? For as much as I know, you could be a member of some secret satanist organization trying to put discredit on the pope and the catholic church. And I could bring a lot of "evidence" to prove this is exactly the case :)

So you see, one should be skeptical in both directions, about world leaders' intentions, but also about odd internet sites (where do these sites come from btw? How are they financed? What is the profit for them of being active? How can you check the sources of what they say? Can they be held accountable for their lies if that is proven to be the case? etc...)

And here is a picture that "proves" how stalin roosvelt and churchill were, really, good friends. Look how they amicably converse at this party:



Well-known member
For as much as I know, you could be a member of some secret satanist organization trying to put discredit on the pope and the catholic church.

Ahhh...you really got me there! :x :lol:

About that inverted cross behind the pope...I could give you many examples of that same chair with the inverted cross. Besides I picked this one photographed from tv. But if you want I can give you a handful others.

Also I want you to know that this is just covering the surface of all the things I have found. And I have a dvd full of pictures taken from a guy I know personally. But of course that wont help much with your presumption of me working for the satanists. :wink:

Of course, it is important to be critical. But if you think every picture might be manipulated, maybe you should take a trip to the Vatican yourself, it is not that far off! :)

Also, I really don't see what these people behind these web-sites and videos should benefit by doing this other than risk getting rediculed by the public and maybe even become a hit-target. That being said, there are a wide variety among these type of web-pages ranging from insane and paranoic to the more critical serious kind.


Well-known member
Quixote said:
So you see, one should be skeptical in both directions, about world leaders' intentions, but also about odd internet sites...
Come on, if you can't trust politicians and stuff you read on the internet, what can you trust!? :)


Well-known member
cLavain said:
Quixote said:
So you see, one should be skeptical in both directions, about world leaders' intentions, but also about odd internet sites...
Come on, if you can't trust politicians and stuff you read on the internet, what can you trust!? :)

I don't know, maybe stuff you read on the bible :)

Btw the edit in my post above was only to correct a mispelling in Churchill's name. Maybe it wasn't necessary to point it out, but just in case, the subject being a delicate matter... :)


Well-known member
Quixote said:
Sable said:
Devil's hand" (or "cornuti" in Italian) signifies that satan rules. It is a universal hand signal used by politicians, celebrities as well as heavy metal bands, affirming their allegiance to satanic powers and a visual shorthand for "Hail, Satan."

You know that hand sign is also used by the kid on the Frosties advert. I suppose he's a devil worshiper too?

Sable you got it wrong, in southern italy the hand in the shape of horns is used sometimes as an insult, much like the middle finger in the rest of the world, and its meaning is "you are being cheated by your wife", or, better and more generally, "you are the kind of loser who gets cheated by his wife". Nothing to do with the devil and nothing to do with the anglo saxon version with three fingers (thumb included).

Actually that part of my post was something I copy/pasted from one of LA Girl's posts. So I didn't get it wrong, she did! :wink: My point was that you don't have to be a devil worshiper to use that hand sign.


Well-known member
Ok, this whole devil hand debate is getting kind of old and like I have said it can absolutely not be used as an evidence that anyone is a devil-worshipper. But I didn't get it wrong, we just both got it right! :wink:

There are other facts however which I think we have a right to question, like Bush and Kerry's membership in the Skull and Bones. American politicians meeting at a yearly arrangement at Bohemian Grove worshiping pagan Gods (especially weird for the people who professes to be christian). And the high number of freemasons in important positions in many countries all over the world where their masonic "bible" clearly reveals that Lucifer/Satan is their God. (And if people think those quotes has been taken out of context you can check it out for yourself in "Morals and Dogma").


Well-known member
Sable said:
Actually that part of my post was something I copy/pasted from one of LA Girl's posts. So I didn't get it wrong, she did! :wink: My point was that you don't have to be a devil worshiper to use that hand sign.

Haha yes I had figured immediately afterwards, but editing the post would be too much trouble, and I thought it was clear anyway that the sentence belonged to LA-girl. Sorry about that though! :)

LA-girl said:
Ok, this whole devil hand debate is getting kind of old and like I have said it can absolutely not be used as an evidence that anyone is a devil-worshipper. But I didn't get it wrong, we just both got it right!

Well I think it's a good example of how "evidence" from some internet sites should be taken with a skeptical attitude...


Well-known member
Quixote said:
LA-girl said:
Ok, this whole devil hand debate is getting kind of old and like I have said it can absolutely not be used as an evidence that anyone is a devil-worshipper. But I didn't get it wrong, we just both got it right!

Well I think it's a good example of how "evidence" from some internet sites should be taken with a skeptical attitude...

Yes, I absolutely agree. Like I have said before there are sites covering this issue that are serious and also we have those that are highly questionable! And I do regret some of the things I put out here, as it makes the whole conspiracy-theories look kind of foolish. (And yes, some definately are!) But believe it or not, all this is still very new to me as I had heard very little before the camera zoomed in on the dollar-bill in the movie National Treasure some months back...and it all just went from there. But I still insist that there are solid evidence for at least the claims I mentioned in my previous post.


I just watched another video, revealing SECRETS OF THE ILLUMINATI AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO).

Contains a lot of information within a short amount of time! :)



Picture from Bohemian grove.
Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California.
Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

The Bush Family Maintains a Strong Involvement. Each Year at Bohemian Grove, Members of This All-Male "Club" Don Red, Black and Silver Robes and Conduct an Occult Ritual wherein they Worship a Giant Stone Owl, Sacrificing a Human Being in Effigy to What They Call the "Great Owl of Bohemia."

Now, for the First Time in History, an Outsider Has Infiltrated Bohemian Grove with a Hidden Digital Video Camera and Caught the Ritual on Tape.


Our social lives, going to the football game or the PTA, are somewhat different to the leisure pursuits of the world's elite.

If you were aware of the fact that your neighbor made mock human sacrifices to Moloch, a canaanite deity, would you let them walk your dog? Sit your house? Would you let them baby sit your children?

Yet the global elite that attend the Grove have their fingers on the nuclear launch codes. Is it not therefore in the interest of the American people and the wider world that the veil of secrecy which shadows the activities inside Bohemian Grove be brought to light and exposed for what it is?

Bohemian Grove and World Elite: ARTICLE