I'm afraid when it comes to symbols and their meaning anything can be found and its meaning can be interpreted in countless ways. About those example you cite, I would like to check if that picture with the inverted cross has not been manipulated in some sort of way, it really doesn't take a computer expert to make a regular square cross a little elongated in its upper part, thus resembling the inverted one you mention. And in any case, isn't it a bit unreasonable to assume that a cross shaped hole in the marble must necessarily have the meaning of a christian cross, inverted or not? Couldn't it be simply an ornament? Or a symbol of something else?
As an example of what I mean to say, I can remember seeing the famous na*i symbol that we all know used as a decoration on a medieval piece of furniture belonging to a jewish family. The same symbol, incidentally, happens to be an ancient celtic drawing that was used by the celts to symbolize the sun. The german dictator later in history picked it, probably without much research but mainly because it was easy to draw and memorize. So how is that? Either there is some subtle misterious connection between some poor celtic tribes hardly making a living in their villages, national socialism, and the jewish people (which I strongly doubt), or one has to accept that these things do not have much value in themselves.
As for the remaining pictures of "high officials" of the catholic church being "close" to the nazi in some pictures...well you see the church is a large organization, with so many members, and acts internationally. And so was germany. What is so strange about those pictures? You could find pictures of many things, people, and organizations with some na*i person inside, as long as they have been shot in the thirties. It's like if you find a picture of some guy from Green Peace discussing with some politician about environmental issues and you conclude that "green peace is an organization created by the secret services to fool the general public into believing this and that" It's about the same.
Finally, if really one should become so suspicious of everything, then why believing you in the first place? For as much as I know, you could be a member of some secret satanist organization trying to put discredit on the pope and the catholic church. And I could bring a lot of "evidence" to prove this is exactly the case
So you see, one should be skeptical in both directions, about world leaders' intentions, but also about odd internet sites (where do these sites come from btw? How are they financed? What is the profit for them of being active? How can you check the sources of what they say? Can they be held accountable for their lies if that is proven to be the case? etc...)
And here is a picture that "proves" how stalin roosvelt and churchill were, really, good friends. Look how they amicably converse at this party: