Washington D.C and Masonic/occultic symbols!


Well-known member
First of all I must say that I am definately NOT against America!!! I have been in Florida 2 years ago and I''m going there (CA) this summer and this is NOT supposed to be any attack!!


This is just so weird, that's why I just had to post this...

Ok, I was starting to watch the movie National Treasure tonight, and then this boys grandfather was holding up a dollar-bill. As you see in my other thread I was questioning what the one eye, pyramid-symbol was...

Well, I was searching the net when all of the sudden this article came up. 8O




If you have Google-Earth: zoom in and check for yourself, don't seem like a coincidence to me!

By the way did you know that:

The meaning occulticly transmitted is that the control of the White House would be spiritual and would emanate from the House Of The Temple. Certainly, many American Presidents have been Freemasons. The most famous is George Washington, but the most influential was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who did more to advance the cause of the New World Order than anyone else in American history.


The Washington Monument is the most important Presidential monument to the occultist, because it is an obelisk set inside a circle. What, you are probably saying, is an obelisk? An obelisk is a tall, four-sided stone pillar tapering toward a pyramidal top.
The obelisk is critically important to the occultist because they believe that the spirit of the ancient Egyptian sun god, Ra, resided in the obelisk.
Thus, the obelisk represents the very presence of the sun god, whom the Bible calls Satan!

There are only three major obelisks in the world today, and two of them are in the United States. According to Epperson in his book, "The New World Order", the first major obelisk was constructed in St. Peter's square in Rome, and is so placed that every Pope who addresses any crowd in the square, must face the obelisk.

If you read this article and then go to the religious topic thread and watch the Flash animations I have put out in my last post I think you will have an 8O -experience like I have had these last days!

Maybe I should change my name to Indiana Jones or something... :lol:


Well-known member
i thought you were from los angeles. :|

i knew where you were headed when you posted what does that symbol on the us dollar mean.
anyways - heres that video i was talking about that i thought everyone has probably seen. do i believe it ? honestly i do believe in all that secret soceity/freemasonist crap .

just in case someone hasnt seen it .one of my on-line friends from another forum posted this sometime last year and i enjoyed it. like i said - im sure nearly everyone has seen but just in case.


Well-known member
jayfan said:
i thought you were from los angeles. :|

i knew where you were headed when you posted what does that symbol on the us dollar mean.
anyways - heres that video i was talking about that i thought everyone has probably seen. do i believe it ? honestly i do believe in all that secret soceity/freemasonist crap .

just in case someone hasnt seen it .one of my on-line friends from another forum posted this sometime last year and i enjoyed it. like i said - im sure nearly everyone has seen but just in case.

Interesting link lol.Some people have way to much time on there hands though. :lol: :lol:


Well-known member
"jayfan" i thought you were from los angeles. :|

LOL! Check my location...SO there are polar bears in LA too?? Darn! I better pack my fur-coat afterall... :( :lol:

i knew where you were headed when you posted what does that symbol on the us dollar mean.

Really? Well, I wasn't....I had a suspition that it might be something "behind the scenes", but I had NO idea what I was about to find out when I first posted it. Still in shock! 8O

anyways - heres that video i was talking about that i thought everyone has probably seen. do i believe it ? honestly i do believe in all that secret soceity/freemasonist crap .

just in case someone hasnt seen it .one of my on-line friends from another forum posted this sometime last year and i enjoyed it. like i said - im sure nearly everyone has seen but just in case.[/quote]

Thank you so much, it was really eye-opening!

Well, here is one VIDEO-CLIP you ALL GOTTA SEE!!!!

NEW WORLD ORDER!!!!! :twisted:


U.S. president George W. Bush, his father and grandfather are proven initiates of this multi-generational occult lodge, SKULL AND BONES George W. was tapped (initiated) in 1968 at the group's Yale University HQ, a mausoleum known as 'the tomb'. When undergraduates broke in they found that the 'holy of holies' inner sanctum has red velvet walls and carpet, with a large pentagram emblazoned on the wall.

If someone, such as George W. Bush, John Kerry or Tony Blair is pretending to be a Christian there is a sure fire way of putting them on the spot to see if they are telling the truth. Dig out your Bible and see 1 John 4:2-3
The skull and cross bones is used in the third degree 'rebirth' initiation of freemasons - in a mockery of being 'born again' into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

The word Illuminati is derived from the word Lucifer. Members of the Skull and Bones think of themselves as “the enlightened ones” blessed by the light of Lucifer.
They consider themselves superior to the lowly American masses to whom they sell their psychological swill and prey upon. The 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Brittanica tells us that their Illuminati was divided into three main classes, the second consisting of “ordinary” freemasons and “Scottish Knights.”


YIKES!!!! Maybe I should cancel my US-trip and stay home! 8O

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Benedict, in his first Christmas address, on Sunday urged humanity to unite against terrorism, poverty and environmental blight and called for a "new world order" to correct economic imbalances.


Fascinated by symbolism and numerology, the globalist's favorite tactic is to leave blueprints to their plans "hidden in plain view." From messages delivered to the masses through the media and films to Time Warner's all-seeing eye, we are repeatedly reminded by the illuminati themselves that they are controlling us and are omnipresent. World leaders from Clinton to Prince William have been photographed proudly flashing the sign of the devil. Architecture around the globe is laid out to represent their occult icons or structured based on occult numerology (like the pyramid Mitter and had constructed at the Louvre, which is made of 666 pieces of gold glass). The New World Order's symbolism is everywhere and there are globalist fingerprints all over the September 11th attacks as well as the Madrid train bombing.

Hmmm...maybe I should save up to a space-trip to the Moon!!! :roll: :roll:


Well-known member
I have let out many horrifying, grusome details here about what is going on in these societies where Bush and top leader and powerful people are members. I have read articles where eye-witness claim these people are performing the worst thinkable satanic rituals you can imagine. I will spare you details!


Devil's hand" (or "cornuti" in Italian) signifies that satan rules. It is a universal hand signal used by politicians, celebrities as well as heavy metal bands, affirming their allegiance to satanic powers and a visual shorthand for "Hail, Satan."

You think it’s a conspiracy-theory?
The truth is: it’s a
conspiracy FACT!

The illuminati (Satanists) has planned this NEW WORLD ORDER for over 5000 years.

“These people are called the torchbearers or lightbearers of the New World Order. A spiritual plan that has been traced to the time of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, up through to the Illuminati and onwards. "A loosely-knit world conspiracy," David Allen Lewis writes, "a so called Network of Illuminists." "Whether the Illuminati has one special organization that is its orginal descendant... we can be very sure that its philosophical torchbearers are represented by literally hundreds of organizations and individuals in many diverse realms."


ALL the prophecies in the Bible has been fulfilled, except for the last days.

The prophecy for the last days is: A one world government with Anti-christ as the top-leader. He will try to win the world under the impression that it will be for the best of all people. They promise peace, wealth and freedom for everybody.
READ G. Bush’s speak where he proclaims a new world order!

“Until now, the world we’ve known has been a world divided – a world of barbed wire and concrete block, conflict and cold war.
Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a NEW WORLD ORDER. In the words of Winston Churchill, a "world order" in which "the principles of justice and fair play ... protect the weak against the strong ..." A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfil the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations.”

BUSH: New Order of the Ages:

It sounds fantastic doesn't it? Well that is what they want you to think....

Back to propecy:
They (Anti-christ) will rule the world for 3,5 years. They will persecute and kill people who refuse to obey their rules. After this period God will pour out the 7 LAST PLAGUES on those who choose to worship this beast, and right after the Bible says that Jesus wil return to get his people, those who have the seal (mark) of God and not the mark of the beast...and everybody will see him! Then the end will come...
(If you find this hard to believe check all the more than 2000 prohecies in the Bible and you will see that each one except for the end of days have been fulfilled. I'm telling you one day soon the last will be fulfilled too. Don't be fooled by these evil-doers who is working primarliy for the devil himself!)

Who is their, anti-christs enemy?

Christians of course, who is true to the Bible, and everyone that refuse to obey by their rules. Then, as in likewise manner as in the days of Moses, God will pour out the seven last plagues over those who go along with this one world satanic government. This is called the mark of the beast. As I have explained earlier their God is the sun-god which the Bible calls Satan. I am postive that with the help of the pope (previous nazi) they will mark SUNDAY as the day of rest and worship. I repeat it was the:

Emperor Constantine portrayed Sol Invictus on his official coinage, with the legend SOLI INVICTO COMITI, thus claiming the Unconquered Sun as a companion to the Emperor. Constantine decreed (March 7, 321) dies Solis — day of the sun, from which "sunday" — as the Roman day of rest [CJ3.12.2]:

"Not the Creator of Universe, in Genesis 2:1-3,-but the Catholic Church can claim the honor of having granted man a pause to his work every seven days."-S. C. Mosna, Storia della Domenica, 1969, pp. 366-367.

"Sunday is our MARK or authority. . .the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact" Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1,

(Read more in the religios debate tread)

I also should mention that there are also theories about this chip-implant as being the mark.



There will be ONE:
-religion (satanic, roman catholic under the cover that they are the only correct religion. They might call themselves christians just as all the american presidents. But they are NOT, they are the anti-christs- satanist).


In God we trust and “God” bless America gets a whole new meaning now doesn’t it…..It is not the God in the Bible, it is the sun-god (all seing eye) Lucifer!

Why don’t we get to hear about this in the media you might ask?

Because they (anti-christ) are the ones who have the power and is controlling everything, including the media! They are trying to get your focus away from what is really going on. (for instance all the entertainment-shows that keeps your mind busy, they BRAINWASH you in the news. They make it look like Iraq, (Saddam Hussein) and Afghanistan (Bin Laden) is the enemy, well they might be enemies too, but the REAL ENEMY is Bush, the US government, the Pope + different powerful leader all around the world. They made it look like it was Bin Laden who was responsible for the attack at 9/11 while in reality it was probably arranged by themselves, US! Remember the masons (satanists) are all within different professions that in some way have power to influence their surroundings. FBI, CSI and the police, court, music and entertainment-industri are part of this too! There are even priests and church-staff in the mason-community!! If you don’t believe this check it out!! I am not making this up!

But why hasn’t this corruption in the mason and skull-community been exposed?

Because when they enter the membership of these secret communities, they are promised a gore death (don’t wish do go into details) if they leak out secret information. Luckily for us, some info has leaked out, enough for us to realize what is going on if we just OPEN OUR EYES and THINK TWICE! The world is NOT what it seems! SOMETIMES WHITE IS BLACK!!

This is not a joke!
Please wake up people, if you don’t believe it check it out for yourself.
I know it seems like a Matrix-movie, and in a way it is, except this is for REAL!

Open your eyes and see whats behind the eye! The evil eye of Horus!



BUSH ADMITS to being members of SKULL AND BONES

Reveals secrets and satanic rituals about masons.



Did you know that George Bush, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden have been all in the same business??!!


BBC Radio 4 Report on Skull and Bones
WARNING! This report features audio from a Skull and Bones initiation ritual. Listen (if you have the nerve!!) to the blood curdling screams and satanic references and remember both Kerry and Bush are intimately involved in this.

Please read this:


We cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the product of the Masonic conspiracy. People scoff yet the evidence stares them in the face every day.

The Great Seal of the United States on every dollar bill is a Masonic symbol. There are 33 steps on the side of the pyramid representing the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. The Masons established the United States as a base to advance their goal of world supremacy.

Similarly, the emblem of the United Nations is also a Masonic symbol. The world is caught in a grid consisting of 33 spaces surrounded by acacia leaves, which signifies intense activity in masonry. (215)

Three-quarters of US president in the Twentieth Century were high-level Masons. Both Bush and Kerry are Masons (Skull and Bones.) FDR, Churchill, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin were masons. Most Zionist leaders were and are Masons. Gerhard Schroeder, Jacques Chirac and Tony Blair are Freemasons. So is Sadaam Hussein, which suggests the Iraq war could be a sadistic charade.

There are over six million Masons in 32,000 lodges around the world including 2.5 million in the US. In 1929, 67% of Members of Congress were Masons. There are 360,000 Masons in England. More than five per cent of British judges are Masons. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/211677.stm

Lina believes that "Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the Soviet Union. Without belonging to the freemasonry there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is."

He says Freemasons control virtually every sector of Western society, including science and culture. "The present cultural life has become virtually unconscious," he writes. "We have witnessed the beginning of cultural senility." (333)

In his pamphlet "The Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution" (1929) the Freemason H.G. Wells describes an "open secret society" consisting of society's leading men operating as a hidden force to secure world resources, reduce population through war and replace the nation state with world dictatorship. (340)


Human beings are naturally attracted to good and repulsed by evil. Thus evil always represents itself as good. To the public, and its own lower ranks, Freemasonry pretends to be dedicated to "making good men better", charity, humanism, tolerance, Christianity and you-name-it.

If this were true, would they have to extract vows of secrecy from members on pain of slitting their throat? Would they have been condemned by many Popes and banned from numerous countries? (84)

I do not wish to impugn the many decent and good men in the lower "Blue Degrees" who are unaware of Freemasonry's true function and character. But there is abundant evidence and testimony that Freemasonry is in reality a satanic cult dedicated to the worship of death. (134-138)

For example, when the Italian Grand Orient Lodge was evicted from the Palazzio Bourghese in Rome in 1893, the owner found a shrine dedicated to Satan. The Italian freemasons published a newspaper in the 1880's where they admitted time and again, "Our leader is Satan!" (135)



If this frightens you remember that according to the prophecies their satanic/fascist one world government will only last for 3,5 years (if i remember correctly) and then Jesus will come! Also nobody knows how long it will take before they put their plans into action...it could happen in a short amount of time or it can take many years more.

If this means I'm getting laughed at, then so be it, it's better than to be a coward and not telling you...It's up to you: BELIEVE IT OR NOT!


Well-known member
cLavain said:

*checks if Illuminati membership card is still valid*

8O :lol: Well, i've heard that if you once enter you have already sold your soul to the devil and there is no way back! :twisted: 8O

Btw I see you've already had that plastic surgery you were talking about! I guess you had a sex-change operation at the same time since you obviously ended up closer to Barbie than Ken!


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
I guess you had a sex-change operation at the same time since you obviously ended up closer to Barbie than Ken! [/color][/b] :lol:
Ah, yes...well, there was a mix-up at the surgery... :( On the positive side, now I can finally wear that little black number I always wanted! *giggle* :wink:


Well-known member
cLavain wrote:
Ah, yes...well, there was a mix-up at the surgery... On the positive side, now I can finally wear that little black number I always wanted! *giggle*

Ah, well..at least you turned out nice! Quite impressive job I must say! About the black thing...you can always come over and borrow mine! :wink: J/K


Well-known member
911 Road To Tyranny!



Fascist symbols in U.S congress!




The two bundled axes on each side of the American flag are fascist symbols. The word fascist comes from the word fasces which means, "a bundle of rods and among them an axe with projecting blade."

Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.


I'm not trying to promote hatred by doing this, I just think people has a right to know the truth!
Hate the sin, not the sinner!!


Well-known member
Some quotes from freemasonry literature:


The theological dogma of Albert Pike is explained in the 'Instructions' issued by him, on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world and have been recorded by A. C. De La Rive in La Femme et l' Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book we translate and quote as follows :

"That which we must say to the crowd is – We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition.

"To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees – The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.

"If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (The God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate him ?

" Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods : darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive.

"In analogical and universal dynamics one can only lean on that which will resist. Thus the universe is balanced by two forces which maintain its equilibrium : the force of attraction and that of repulsion. These two forces exist in physics, philosophy and religion. And the scientific reality of the divine dualism is demonstrated by the phenomena of polarity and by the universal law of sympathies and antipathies. That is why the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as after them, the Gnostics, the Manicheans and the Templars have admitted, as the only logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles fighting eternally, and one cannot believe the one inferior in power to the other.

" Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil."



'The Secret Doctrine' by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
"Lucifer represents..Life..Thought..Progress..Civilization..Liberty..Independance..Lucifer is the Logos..the Serpent, the Savior." on pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II)

"It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God." pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

"The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity...but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is divine and terrestial Light, 'the Holy Ghost' and "Satan' at one and the same time."
page 539 (Volume?)

Adolf Hitler's favourite book was 'The Secret Doctrine' which says Satan is good, and God is evil. This same philosophy is practiced by Skull & Bones members and high level Freemasons today.



Well-known member
Ok, I just discovered this article in a Norwegian newspaper.

This is a picture of the students pathway in the University of Oslo (Norway). This occultic pentagram forms as the student walk to the different entrances in the snow.


So it seems like we're not safe here either... :roll:


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Ok, I just discovered this article in a Norwegian newspaper.

This is a picture of the students pathway in the University of Oslo (Norway). This occultic pentagram forms as the student walk to the different entrances in the snow.


So it seems like we're not safe here either... :roll:

And if you draw a circle around it. It's the jewish star of David.

I was going to add more to this post. But I'm refraining. To not cause a war..


Well-known member
young said:
And if you draw a circle around it. It's the jewish star of David.

This is the jewish star of David:


This is a pentagram:



I was going to add more to this post. But I'm refraining. To not cause a war..

No, please do! I will be fine as long as I put on my bullet-proof vest again... :D ...........OK, I'm ready!


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
No, please do! I will be fine as long as I put on my bullet-proof vest again... :D ...........OK, I'm ready!

I wasn't really going to say anything. I was just messing with you.


Well-known member
rual said:
Learn, realize, understand, repent and RECEIVE!!!


Hey, that was a great site. It actually goes hand in hand with what I have discovered so far. I have watched most of the videos at a site I discoverd by pure accident a few months back which has opened up my eyes to the real, often hidden and misunderstood, bible-truth.
The link is: www.amazingfacts.com

But I was kind of disapointed as the videos in the link you gave had to be ordered. Anyway, yesterday I made a google-video search and there they were, most of the videos and all for free! :D
So I started watching one of them, and I have to say I was a bit amazed and startled(!) at how real it is (New world order, secret societies etc and the connection with the prophecies).

I will put out the link to the video I watched yesterday.
I will advise everyone to watch it, it is truly mind-blowing. If you react to the speaker, it is probably because he speaks south-african (south-african english). He is by the way a previous atheist and evolutionist, not that it has anything to do with the content, but I thought I should just mention it. He is still a scientist though if I understood correctly...

(New world order and the UN-connection, European Union connection,RCC, USA and other organizations and secret societies. This is not a speculation, they even put out evidences for it) DON'T MISS THIS!!!



Well-known member

Devil's hand" (or "cornuti" in Italian) signifies that satan rules. It is a universal hand signal used by politicians, celebrities as well as heavy metal bands, affirming their allegiance to satanic powers and a visual shorthand for "Hail, Satan."

You know that hand sign is also used by the kid on the Frosties advert. I suppose he's a devil worshiper too?

Or maybe they're all part of an alian reptilian elite conspiring to take over the world... :?


Well-known member
Sable said:
Devil's hand" (or "cornuti" in Italian) signifies that satan rules. It is a universal hand signal used by politicians, celebrities as well as heavy metal bands, affirming their allegiance to satanic powers and a visual shorthand for "Hail, Satan."

You know that hand sign is also used by the kid on the Frosties advert. I suppose he's a devil worshiper too?

Sable you got it wrong, in southern italy the hand in the shape of horns is used sometimes as an insult, much like the middle finger in the rest of the world, and its meaning is "you are being cheated by your wife", or, better and more generally, "you are the kind of loser who gets cheated by his wife". Nothing to do with the devil and nothing to do with the anglo saxon version with three fingers (thumb included).

As for our former prime minister Mr Berlusconi showing his hand like that in the official picture at a G8 meeting a while ago (lower left picture), it was intended to be mockery of what italian schoolchildren sometimes do when their class picture is taken at the end of the schoolyear. They deftly put their hand behind their neighbour's head, and let their two fingers come out from behind it, so that in the picture the unfortunate guy will have two "horns" on his head. Mr berlusconi probably thought this joke widespread among all children internationally, and figured it a fun idea to do it at a G8 meeting to put a smile on the world's audiences (back in italy he was instead ridiculed for it on most newspapers). Stupid as much as you want, but nothing to do with satanic symbols, again. :)