Wanting to care for someone


New member
Ever since like a few years ago(i'm 14 right now) I've had this feeling or longing to have a little brother that I could care for, play with, talk with and give him help when he needs it. I feel really lonely and I think that having one would fill in that gap. Every day I'm deppressed and lonely wishing I did have a little brother and knowing that when I come home from school, I would actually have a reason to walk through that door instead of being alone every single day. Like I said I just really wish I had a little brother I could care for and do all those other things with. Another thing is that when I see someone with a younger brother (I mean younger than me of course) whether they're walking, playing or doing something else, I get extremely deppressed knowing that I'll probably never have that chance :sad:


Well-known member
That is how I was and wanted a son sooner than I "should have". There really isn't a perfect time to have one but I shouldn't have with the situation I was in. I think it just may be the thing keeping me from killing myself and giving up. I'd hate to leave him, no matter how much I want to give up on everything.


Well-known member
I'm not sure if I want more brothers, because the one that I currently have is a nightmare to be with. I would like to have sisters who can do all the girly things with me - do makeup and hair on each other, talk about girl stuff, share secrets, giggle, empower each other to be strong women, talk about stuff that's bothering us, etc.


Well-known member
I'm an only child and I always thought it would be cool to have a sibling. I'd prefer and older one though. Maybe you can babysit kids? I've done that and it's a lot of fun. I also hang out with my moms friends son who's like 10 years younger than me and we play videogames... ;)


New member
That is how I was and wanted a son sooner than I "should have". There really isn't a perfect time to have one but I shouldn't have with the situation I was in. I think it just may be the thing keeping me from killing myself and giving up. I'd hate to leave him, no matter how much I want to give up on everything.
Yes exactly the way I would feel for a little brother if I had one...

I'm not sure if I want more brothers, because the one that I currently have is a nightmare to be with. I would like to have sisters who can do all the girly things with me - do makeup and hair on each other, talk about girl stuff, share secrets, giggle, empower each other to be strong women, talk about stuff that's bothering us, etc.
Hmm makes sense for you wanting a sister instead. So like for me, I'm a boy so I want a brother, for you, a sister... :)

I'm an only child and I always thought it would be cool to have a sibling. I'd prefer and older one though. Maybe you can babysit kids? I've done that and it's a lot of fun. I also hang out with my moms friends son who's like 10 years younger than me and we play videogames... ;)
I've thought of babysitting but have always been nervous to do it even though I really really want to do something like that. Mainly because of my SM which I forgot to mention in my post. The SM is also probably one of the main reasons for all this 'held' in cause I can't do a lot of things:sad:. I hope I'll get over that soon so I can do something like this... :)