Wanting to be reckless and crazy


Well-known member
I am so damn tired of being innocent. My life doesn't have any excitement in it whatsoever. I just wish that I could be fiesty and headstrong and do something wild...I want to break out and just say, screw it. Screw the world.
I feel like I don't have a personality. Ever feel that way? I'm just a blob of nothing, floating around my house...making noises every now and then.

I just want to do something out of character, or something...I don't even know how to explain it or what I would want to do. I just need a freakin' change.


What's stoping you? Really. Does that little thing called social anxiety should prevent you from doing what you want, from having a life that you want? Are you that weak? Are you going to give up? I hope not. It takes a lot of courage to do things like you said. And it appears that people like us will never do that. But I ask - why not? Why are we worse people than others. I'm personaly a bit eccentric and I'm not too interested in things most people do. But why shouldn't I or you have fun. Why does it have to be always sadness and depression. Just go head and do it. Go on a holiday, travel somewhere. Other people and their opinions should not stop you from having your life.


Well-known member
kuhtreen said:
I am so damn tired of being innocent. My life doesn't have any excitement in it whatsoever. I just wish that I could be fiesty and headstrong and do something wild...I want to break out and just say, screw it. Screw the world.

These sound like good lyrics to me...

Anyway, I think you should somehow start looking for fellow musicians and start a band. I'm sure if you tried hard enough, you'll find a few peeps out there. Yeah it might take some time, but yeah.

And by the way, I think most people have your thoughts, even those who you think are "normal". I always hear that most people do not follow their dreams in life. I personally believe that that is why so many people are so grumpy in their old age; they are angry at themselves and at the world for not doing the right things earlier in life.

I feel like I don't have a personality. Ever feel that way? I'm just a blob of nothing, floating around my house...making noises every now and then.

Get out of your house and make those noises out there, but not the bad kinds of noises. (Sorry but I JUST HAD TO!) :p
I totally know what you mean. I feel like nothing, but I wanna be something different. I Love doing things for attention attention attention. There is so much weird things I want to do so bad but I just can't. I don't want to be normal. I like doing crazy things where people just look at you.


Well-known member
I'm so jealous of carefree people who don't give a damn what people think of them, and also people who are assertive. I hate my lack of assertion, i hate being the nice guy all the time.


I feel the same way. I want to shock people by doing something so out of character for me. I'd love to be crazy and spontaneous and fun, and I feel like I have that in me - deeeep down - but when I'm with people I just can't show them that other side of my personality. I just clam up and stick to my same boring predictable behavior, because it's safe. I wish I could be more of a risk taker.
We all really want to be that way deep down I think. And the best part is you can make yourself like that if you work hard. On saturday I went to the bar with some friends and what I did was I'd go up to a girl who was obviously taken (like a guy with his arm around her) and I'd say "hey, you goin home with anybody tonight??" Then they'd be like "sorry I have a boyfriend" and I'd go back to my friends and we'd laugh our heads off! Fun stuff, you just gotta work hard at it and you can be that person you want to be!
kuhtreen said:
I am so damn tired of being innocent. My life doesn't have any excitement in it whatsoever. I just wish that I could be fiesty and headstrong and do something wild...I want to break out and just say, screw it. Screw the world.
I feel like I don't have a personality. Ever feel that way? I'm just a blob of nothing, floating around my house...making noises every now and then.

I just want to do something out of character, or something...I don't even know how to explain it or what I would want to do. I just need a freakin' change.

Have you considered drugs? Just kidding! But seriously, I know what you mean. I feel like if I could just find the courage to do one crazy thing, my whole life would change. :(


I know exactly what you mean. I always want to something drastically out of my normal inhibited SA neutral bland character. I often fantasize in my head about doing something cool or weird that will get people's attention and that they will think I'm cool or funny, but I never do it. I never break out. In my mind the risk is not worth it.