Walking in crowded places.


Active member
Whenever I am out, especially in the city centre when there is lots of people behind me, I get really worried that they are all watching me. I start to get really nervous about my posture, where I should look and worst of all it feels like my legs are going to jelly.
Now when I get home after being out somewhere I'n never proud that I went out, when I get in I always feel so pathectic and inadequte and I always say 'Im never leaving the house again'. I am getting worse, the stupid thing is I'm scared to go to the doctor. I can't beleive I am letting fear take over my life.
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Sorry youre experiencing this. I have felt this way. I now prefer the overly busy streets to the quieter ones. I look at it that I am completely anonymous in a busy busy place. Nobody sees me they are too busy rushing and busying through life :)


Well-known member
i dont like crowded places much either... where i live everybody stares at everyone which makes me even more paranoid about being watched. and also so many times when im in busy places people will ask me something or make small talk with me, and that makes me really anxious and self-conscious :S


Well-known member
Crowded places are more of a nuisance than a fear for me. I hate having to plow through a bunch of people to get to where I want/need to be. :s


Well-known member
I used to have this problem. Not anymore, though. You really should talk to your doctor.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I can relate to your post. I am uncomfortable with the idea that people are watching me. I am self-conscious about the way I walk, and I wonder if I look funny or something. Crossing really busy intersections can be quite upsetting. As are full buses; I hate pushing my way through people to get out. I just try to remain neutral and get through it. I figure the more I do it the more at ease I will be about it. I may never like it but I can learn to tolerate it. I can't really offer any advice, other than to keep pushing yourself to get out of the house, even if it makes you uncomfortable. We just have to.