As ya know, socialphobia is a pain in the arse. I like reading everyones posts, good, bad and ugly. I never once said EVERYONE here is a victim, I said some people act like victims. I should have known socialphobes are going to take it personally, I probably would have had it been written by someone else. I'm not here to offend. As said by someone else, we all have a right to post our feelings and this is a great way to vent frustration. As you can tell, i was frustrated in SOME people, NOT ALL!
try not to take it personally, I know its hard seeing as thats part of being a socialphobe. I'm not being aggressive...just trying to wake SOME people up!
Those people whom I am referring to probably already know they need a kick up the bum, just like i did once. Some people need that wake up call or they are gonna be stuck in this awful rut forever, which I would wish on no one. All I wanted was to make those people see that they can get help even though it feels like things will never change.
So people, i'm not being judgemental. I'm not being agressive or mean and I certainly aint out to hurt anyones feelings.
Remember the moment you were diagnosed with SP, remember the time you actually did something about it ie going to the docs...I'm just trying to get it across to the people that haven't got that far, The ones that wont go that far, The ones that are getting more and more depressed with each day, The ones that think they are alone in all this, The ones that feel nothing will help them, The ones we probably all once were. We are all at varying stages of SP and I'm just trying to coax those people that feel victimised by thier illness to seek the help they need. To stop feeling sorry for themselves ( as we all have done) and to get the help that is available. So, before you come back and tell me how awful and aggressive i am, stop and think...what made you go to the doctors in the end, what made you tell someone about your SP, what made you get help.
I got the biggest kick up the arse by my fiance. It was an emotional time butit was just the kick i needed to get my arse going. I wont go into details about that, bit personal. I just know that some people here dont have that person to give them that so called kick....well, maybe not a kick, more of a helping hand. I just wish I had my helping hand sooner...and if i only got through to one person with my message then thats great. Sometimes we need to hear the harsh truth, other times we need a more caring attitude...
Anyways, I'm done on the matter. Plus i got sore fingers from typing so much