Valentines Day idea for my shy guy


Well-known member
I was thinkin that for my shy guy at work i'd buy him a Valetine's Day card that lets him know EXACTLY how i feel. I actually saw one today and bought it..not sure if this is the ONE but its pretty good i think.

The cover says "I don't give Valentines to just anyone....." and on the inside it says.... "so consider yourself loved" - with hearts and kisses all over it. Then i am going to write on the inside IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T FIGURED IT OUT YET!!!!!!!!

I also want to buy him some chocolate and give it to him in person...or leave it in his mailbox the Friday before Valentines.

Also, he's been really trying alot lately..coming by in the mornings and on Monday he purposely was waiting for me until i was alone to say hello to me..even looking around the corner TO MAKE SURE i was alone before he approached me..i caught him doing :p

I was just wondering how all you shy guys would feel getting a card like that (on Valenitnes) from a girl you were going out of your way to say hello to????

Love to hear your replies...


TooShyShy said:
Also, he's been really trying alot lately..coming by in the mornings and on Monday he purposely was waiting for me until i was alone to say hello to me..even looking around the corner TO MAKE SURE i was alone before he approached me..i caught him doing :p

Thats too cute hehe :lol: Id leave it in his mail box tho,he might spontaneously combust from blushing if you gave it him in person,I know i suddenly feel very shy! But i think he will totaly be flattered when he gets it. :)


Well-known member
Yes do it, please do it. I only wish the girls that I want to approach would do that to me. It would make life so much easier.


Active member
Yes, yes!! This sounds wonderful. Like I said before, I do not get Valentines, and with as something as blatant as that would leave me in good feelings! 'Cept I would still be kinda nervous, but at least I know someone really cares about me. :)


Well-known member
I am sure i will see his nervous side bcuz both times, after getting his email (i asked and he gave it up quickly) AND giving him the card (letting him know he was special) and cookies i baked FOR HIM at Christmas..he had a few days of serious shyness (probably secretly freaking out in his office) and even a bit of avoidance but he always came back around even stronger each time, so i have a good feeling about this :D he needs this from me..why else would he still be trying so much???

It would be so easy for him to just stay away, hide himeslf away from me but he can't.



Well-known member
I am actually rethinking the entire thing..starting to feel nothing i do or say can change his social/shyness issues, they are extreme.

I think he needs more help then i can give him AND THATS VERY SAD FOR ME.


Hey, I'd definately do that for the guy. I'm a guy myself but if I knew a girl like that I'd do the same for her. Its really considerate of u. I think it would be great for him as valentines day is probably the most depressing day of the year for me and many others with SAD. Never got a card in my life :cry: , It would mean the world to me if someone gave me one saying how they feel, I don't think I'd be shy towards that person anymore after they opened up to me like u could to him. Try it, it might give him the confidence he deserves to break the barrier between the two of u, gd luck and i can understand why other ppl here hate v-day


Well-known member
I guess i need to go on blind faith. I truly believe in God and i have wondered at times why did he chose ME for this guy? Why can't it be easier on me??? I deserve to be happy and so does he, i know he's suffering i can feel it everytime i look at him, even when he's hooping it up with coworkers, as soon as i'm around i see the change and i feel his sorrow.

Why couldn't i fall for someone who wa able to meet me half way so we can come together the way its meant to be!!!!!!!


Yea thats the best idea. Life is too short. Ask him to go somewhere quiet for a nice walk, sit down in a park or somewhere peaceful and relaxing. Then tell him all about your feelings. If u can express urself like this u will be showing alot of strength and he should appreciate this. I know i would. This may help him to open up too. Then u can talk about what both of u want in life, ur dreams, beliefs interests. Try ask questions that allow him to give expressful answers so u can know eachother well. Then if things work out u can still send that great v-day card. Wow, id love if someone did all that to me. I get so nervous around girls, cry sometimes to myself too i have to admit. It would be nice to a a good long conversation with a nice girl on v-day, go for a walk, lunch and give eachother cards.


Well-known member
Well, like i said in my other posts i don't know anymore...he needs to help himself out as well, it can't be just me doing all this.

I noticed in the past when i've all but given up ON HIM and not paid much attention anymore, not even a hello or recipricated one, he did go out of his way to get my attention, only problem is when he gets it back he goes back into his shy guy routine MAYBE I NEED TO FINALLY CLOSE THE DOOR TO SHOW HIM that if he wants something with me he has to at least TRY a bit!!!!!!!! Not a lot to ask.


Personally if i met someone as great as u who showed such an intense interest, im 100 percent confident that would kill the anxiety between us. And im an INCREDIBLY shy guy around girls. If u are both soulmates then it will be worth the effort. U have so much faith and belief and seem like such a strong person, he is a lucky guy. I actually find it easy to open up to ppl who open up to me first and normally im the complete opposite. so if he is anything like this then you will find out ur destiny soon. i hope this helps, best of luck
Print out a picture of a random good-looking guy from the internet and put it in a frame on your desk where he will see it. Get him thinking for a week or two. That's what he's good at, right? Get him jealous. Plant a seed. Then spring your V-Day idea on him and see if he's loosened up a bit.


Well-known member
lol...thats an idea. i know sometimes he sees me with my cell phone texting and I KNOW he wonders who the h#ll i am chatting with :)


Well-known member
ummm i am not all that special, somedays i want to just strangle him and other days just walk away altogether...but i guess there's a reason i haven't yet?!?