Upcoming Social Events?


Well-known member
Who's got some social events coming up in the near future that they are absolutely dreading already?

My dad's turning 60 in a few months, and he's bound to have a big bash with lots of family and friends. I'm already starting to freak out, as I have avoided all such events for years and years but this one I won't be able to get out of. The last time I attended a family function was probably 15 years ago! I still remember them vividly though, I'd end up sitting alone all night waiting to go home (or waiting for people to leave, when at our place). Hardly spoke to anyone all night, and it'll be exactly the same this time. Ick.


Well-known member
Oh man, I know what you mean. Here in Germany (I'm American, married to a German) it is expected of you to have a big party for all your friends and relatives when it's your birthday. So, I have to dread my own birthday, my husband's, and all the relatives' birthdays, too. Of course, the ones that have to be held at our house, or planned and staged by me at some other location, are the absolute worst. I don't celebrate my own birthday, which probably has given me the reputation for being cheap or lazy or both. I don't give a shit though. It's MY birthday, and I'm not going to be forced into doing something I don't want to do.


Well-known member
The thing I hate about social events us that one is expected to be happy, and I feel like I am faking being happy, but in truth the only reason I'm happy is because I get drunk as soon as possible just to get some confidence. Same goes to Christmas.


Well-known member
Foxglove said:
Oh man, I know what you mean. Here in Germany (I'm American, married to a German) it is expected of you to have a big party for all your friends and relatives when it's your birthday. So, I have to dread my own birthday, my husband's, and all the relatives' birthdays, too.

Oh, that would suck. But at least you have your hubbie. I often feel things would be that much easier if I just had someone else to attend these things with.