Uh-oh... Stoplight Party!


Well-known member
So, I'm a guy with some serious social issues. I also however am part of a club/frat which often has socials. I don't usually talk to the other people in the club, especially women (I'm such a coward XD), but I do talk to a few people there like acquaintances. I also go to the socials every now and then but mostly for the booze and don't talk to many people (for what I can remember). As such, I usually skip the mixers.

Anyways, there's going to be a stoplight party on Saturday, an end of the year party. For those who don't know what a stoplight party is, it's a party where people either wear red, yellow, or green. Green = available. Yellow = Not sure. Red = Taken. Now this puts a lot of pressure on me. I kind of have to go as a requirement but it's not absolutely necessary. And, obviously, I'm single so I would be wearing green. But if I go to this thing, then it'd be awkward if I talked to other guys, since this is obviously to get to know the opposite sex, and I'm really bad with women (and I don't want to talk to other women wearing green as I know they wouldn't be interested in me and I would just be talking to them to be cordial, but my color would give the wrong impression). I'm kind of tempted to wear red so there'd be less pressure, but I know lots of people know I'm single, so that'd be kind of weird.

What should I do?


Well-known member
You could wear yellow? You're single but not sure you want to start a relationship right now...you know, focus on studies and all ;)


Well-known member
Lol, some girls will still talk to you but probably some will not be interested in getting involved in a "complicated relationship" which is what they would probably assume yellow means....I would anyways. Good luck at your party :) I have a baby shower coming up...talk about being in the spot light...ugh...


Well-known member
This is a great chance of getting to know some one ! I would wear green and just try !