ugh... gotta be a guide for new people coming into my school


Active member
well this sucks, this wednesday I gotta be a guide for the sixth form open afternoon which means I've gotta spend 2 hours giving some year 11 and her parents a tour of the school, talking to them about it answering any questions they have etc.. ugh I hate doing that kinda thing cause I get nervous so end up staying quiet and start stuttering or mumbling when they ask me questions -.- year 7 open days arn't so bad but this time it's year 11s (year younger than me, cause im in lower sixth) so I can imagine if I get put with a year 11 who's like outspoken/confident I'll end up feeling intimidated by them and embarass myself even more..
gah and I can't get out of it either cause the school picked my name to do it since I have free periods and my mum won't let me bunk..

any advice?? =/


Re: ugh... gotta be a guide for new people coming into my sc

Midnight said:
well this sucks, this wednesday I gotta be a guide for the sixth form open afternoon which means I've gotta spend 2 hours giving some year 11 and her parents a tour of the school, talking to them about it answering any questions they have etc.. ugh I hate doing that kinda thing cause I get nervous so end up staying quiet and start stuttering or mumbling when they ask me questions -.- year 7 open days arn't so bad but this time it's year 11s (year younger than me, cause im in lower sixth) so I can imagine if I get put with a year 11 who's like outspoken/confident I'll end up feeling intimidated by them and embarass myself even more..
gah and I can't get out of it either cause the school picked my name to do it since I have free periods and my mum won't let me bunk..

any advice?? =/

My advice is that you just have to tell yourself that you can do this and keep on telling yourself that u can do it evn if you don't believe it at all. You'll be surprised how much better you will feel about the situation. I am in upper six and sometimes what helps me to be able to deal with situations like that other than being positive is to make a list of the things (on a small piece of paper) i am going to say so that just in case i go blank because of the anxiety i will have something to refresh ma memory. Be confident!! :D i've learned over the years that u can do way more than ure mind tells u u can. Hope everything goes well.



Well-known member
Whoa yeah i remember having to do that in year 8 scared the s**t outta me, just waiting and hoping that no visitors came. I had to do loads of crappy stuff like taking messages to students and handing them out in front of a whole class, basically just be the secretaries slave lol. Anyways luckily i had some company, after a while this girl came over can't remember why....probably was sent there for being 'naughty' or something. But yeah basically talked to her for most of it, she was pretty, had a pot of sweets and was the easiest person to talk to........Sweeeeeeeet lol (this was before i became too shy to talk to people). Anywho my point being is that some of it was a tad harsh but i got through totally fine and even ended up enjoying it! So although it seems like hell it's not gonna be so just relax and go with the flow of things, act before you think (and worry)....remember it's only talking to people, if you understand it's an irrational fear you can get over it!


Active member
thnks for the comments =]

Yeh I'm gonna have to do it on my own now I'm in sixth form I can't go with someone else =/ which means I'll prolly end up guiding 2 parents and their 15/16 year old kid..argh, not looking forward to it!! but must stay positive!!