Treatments for body sweating?


Well-known member
For people who sweat a lot on their chest and back, what treatments do you find the most helpful?

I've been taking avert for almost a year but I have to stop because it gets me incredibly spaced out, dizzy, and hard to concentrate or focus. I have low tolerance to oral medicines so if you can recommend any topical solutions (like secure wipes, odaban, drysol, hyrdasol etc...), please let me know.

Has anyone had success with secure wipes, odaban, drysol or hyrdasol on the body?


Well-known member
I've had to use Drysol on my groin and butt area during the heart of the summer to prevent soaking through my shorts. Covering larger areas will only cause the sweat to manifest somewhere else.

Pick and choose which treatment locations using the products you've mentioned. I've tried all of them and they do help ME.


Well-known member
Thanks for the response and info, Sprawling. I'm going to try Odaban spray and hopefully it will work for me.

By the way, what treatment have you found to be most effective for your HH?


Well-known member
My success rate varies do to the Fibromyalgia sometimes offsetting the results. The only area I concentrate on treating is my hands. Odaban or Certain Dri for the butt/groin area when it's really hot outside. Actually, I like Certain Dri since it's a roll on, although not as strong as Odaban.

Odaban/Antihydral + ionto for my hands. I haven't done the Secure Wipes in ages. Glyco pills on top of pain meds probably would not be a good combination.


Well-known member
Thanks for the info, Sprawling.

I decided to try Odaban, and placed an order, so I'll try it out on my chest and back when it arrives.

As for you, good luck and I wish you continued success with your treatments!


Well-known member
Just the remember that the more areas you try to treat at the same time will cause compensatory sweating elsewhere. It's hard to win the battle of full body sweating. Pick and choose your treatment areas wisely.


Well-known member
That's true. When I tried Drysol, it did help my chest and back, but made my hands and arms sweat more (while normally, those areas for me don't really have much of a problem).

I think when I get Odaban I'll just use it on my chest because that's worse for me.

I guess Drysol and Odaban may be close to the same thing, but since Odaban is a spray, it will be easier to apply to some parts.


Well-known member
i have serious sweating (compensatory post ets) on my stomach and back and legs, drysol helped me stop sweating on my stomach but it left me red and burning for days. so i havent been using it lately but may try again soon. however ive been reading about this natural cure "witch hazel" which sounds weird but its a natural astringent which is supposed to shrink the pores of the skin. im considering buying it today, its natural and costs only a couple bucks so what do we have to lose? ill let you know if i get results. good luck,


Hi Sean,
I sweat alot from my back and back side. In the summer/warmer months it can get very bad. I have tried many things from prescription Oxybitunin to herbal remedies and drysol & odaban etc.
Drysol is my favourite weapon against sweat. Oxybitunin is also good but I don't like the intense dry mouth if exercising while using it. Herbal remedies have been mainly useless.

I apply Drysol (roll-on) all over my back & bum and also a little around my groin area. I apply it at night a few hours before going to bed. It stings like crap for a while but I fall asleep and wake up the next morning irritation free and no stinging. My back, *** and anywhere I've applied it are lovely & dry. They can stay like this for a week or more, so I don't need to apply it too often which is great.
Drysol works great for me. I have never experienced any compensatory sweating elsewhere when using it. It just stops the sweat where I applied it..... happy days.

Best of luck with your battle against HH.



Well-known member
i have serious sweating (compensatory post ets) on my stomach and back and legs, drysol helped me stop sweating on my stomach but it left me red and burning for days. so i havent been using it lately but may try again soon. however ive been reading about this natural cure "witch hazel" which sounds weird but its a natural astringent which is supposed to shrink the pores of the skin. im considering buying it today, its natural and costs only a couple bucks so what do we have to lose? ill let you know if i get results. good luck,
Hi Sean,
I sweat alot from my back and back side. In the summer/warmer months it can get very bad. I have tried many things from prescription Oxybitunin to herbal remedies and drysol & odaban etc.
Drysol is my favourite weapon against sweat. Oxybitunin is also good but I don't like the intense dry mouth if exercising while using it. Herbal remedies have been mainly useless.

I apply Drysol (roll-on) all over my back & bum and also a little around my groin area. I apply it at night a few hours before going to bed. It stings like crap for a while but I fall asleep and wake up the next morning irritation free and no stinging. My back, *** and anywhere I've applied it are lovely & dry. They can stay like this for a week or more, so I don't need to apply it too often which is great.
Drysol works great for me. I have never experienced any compensatory sweating elsewhere when using it. It just stops the sweat where I applied it..... happy days.

Best of luck with your battle against HH.

Thanks for the replies, guys. Much appreciated. :applause:
You're right about drysol. While I was waiting for my order of Odaban to be delivered, I used some Drysol on my chest and back. I stayed almost completely dry, really like 95% dry.

It's strange though, because it didn't burn on the nights when I applied it, but during the day after, at times when I would usually sweat, it burned a bit, as if my skin's pores were blocked or something. So I started to reduce the amount and frequency that I use it.

By the time my Odaban was delivered, I used Drysol enough times that I've been dry and so it will be hard to tell how helpful the Odaban is in comparison (I applied Odaban once on Friday night).

I think I may have a bit of compensatory sweating though, on my hands and maybe face. But it's not too bad and overall I'm very sweat-free. For me, my sweating is worse on hot summer days and it hasn't reached high temperatures that much yet where I live. So I'll keep using either Odaban or Drysol, and see how it holds up.

All in all, I like the anti-perspirants more than taking Avert, which gave me bad side effects.

@wannabedry: I never tried witch hazel. I read that it can help HH, but couldn't find any people's opinions on it on the internet. It will be nice to know if it works for you. I hope it does!

Good luck to you guys! And I'll give an update on my situation again later.
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Active member
hi.i also suffer from back and chest hyperhidrosis especially when i am in stressful situations..i m going to order a strong antiperspirant.I am between drysol and odaban.From your experience from which have i to start with;;which does better work for you and has better results till today;

Thank you very much


Active member
when you say ''works'' do you mean that it is possible i will stop sweat at those parts;;it sounds me anbelievable and so optimistic beecause for ten years[i m 24] everything i wear is black .in your case did it completely stopped your sweat at those parts ;;


Active member
i m so glad to hear your experience.One question..Ii the morning do you wash your body or it is not nesecarry;;thank you very much!