

I have a huge fear of getting lost when I have to travel to a place I don't know/barely know.

Come Sept i'll be starting Uni and will have to figure how to get there and back home; i take the bus.

I tried googling travel phobia and found it was related to ptsd but i have never been in a car accident or anything similiar.

Does anyone else have this?


Well-known member
Yeah, I get pretty nervous about going to and from new places. It depends on the difficulty of the roads and such. Some places I will learn after driving there with someone once or twice. And then some places, it takes me longer. I guess it's just the unfamiliarity/unknown that bothers us.


Well-known member
i love to travel but i have that problem too.
it seems like when other people drive and i'm the passenger, i'm fine.
if i have to drive somewhere i haven't been before by myself or worse yet, with others, i panic. i'm less experienced because i don't get to go out a lot and it makes me really nervous.


Well-known member
I don't believe that SA normally has anything to do with PTSD, though, of course, it can. Any trauma would make it worse. It seems normal to me to be anxious about getting around a new place - like anyone without a crazy sense of direction or zero fear would be at least a bit worried. Just get a lot of maps...
Yes, I have this problem when I'm going somewhere I am not familiar with. The anxiety is better if someone is with me but it is still scary. Plus, it's not like I would be able to ask for directions if I got lost.