Totally Useless Facts!


Well-known member
This reminds me of that Simpsons episode when Homer would slap his opponent with a glove and say: Sir, I challenge you to a duel!

Now who's going to challenge Horatio?


Well-known member
Oops... :oops:

Im really really really sorry Taws , it's just that you're name sounds like a woman name to me..

Forgive me!!

didn't mean to insult you!!


Well-known member
thats a fun site

check this one, found that on that site:


Well-known member
The longest word in English is -
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - wrap your tongue around that!! If you dare.

Koala's don't drink water.

The first word spoken on the moon was 'okay'

The average person spends 3 years of their life on the toilet.

Coca-Cola was originally green!!

In Japan there are vending machines for underwear.

There are more chickens in the world than people.

A third of our water gets flushed down the toilet.

In Ecuador, people used to eat boiled guinea pig 8O

Eating an apple will make you feel more awake in the morning than drinking a cup of coffee will :eek: I'm gonna try that!!!

You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a venomous spider.

Most lipsticks contain fish scales - gives a whole new meaning to the term 'fish lips'.

Dr. Seuss invented the word 'nerd'. The next time someone calls me a nerd i'm gonna say "nah, i'm a Dr. Seuss".

Butterflies used to be called flutterbys.

Sir Isaac Newton - Mr. Science himself - invented the cat flap.

Cat urine glows under a black light 8O

All these facts were obtained from a book called "1001 cool FREAKY facts"


Well-known member
redlady wrote
In Japan there are vending machines for underwear.
its actualy more freaky, those vending machines are actualy selling USED women's underwear. 8O :lol: OK here is my useless fact the word "crap" as in " i need take a crap" :lol: is actualy derived from th name Thomas Crapper how had a great deal to do with the invention of the flush toilet, so his name today is sinonimus with taking a pee. :D