Too Stupid....


Well-known member
This is really just an expression of emotion in the only way I know how, feel free to read or whatever.

So I started University (college) this week, a full-time course load to go with my full-time job and already brimming life. Since starting I am thinking that I must be way to stupid for university, I can't measure up to my classmates and honestly believe that I look a lot like a country bumpkin (I am from the country but so not the point). I don't feel as if I am good enough to be doing this. "Double Degree with a Triple Major" sounds great until you realise you are WAY too STUPID!

I just don't know what to do, not feeling so great about it :/

Considering you've just begun uni and are juggling a job while also integrating yourself into the new surroundings, the chaos is understandable. For me, new things have always been awkward. Hence why I seldom do them. That said, I'd be patient and just grind through it. Allow yourself time to find your rhythm and soon life there may revert into a new normal for you as the chaos dies down and you can focus once again. I doubt you've gotten this far because you're an idiot. Trust your decision and see it through. Good luck!