Too bad, so sad - for me


Well-known member
Thanks to you all for your responses. Much appreciate your point of view :)

Since posting the discussion, I've talked to him once, only to conclude and put to rest this alleged *friendship* I thought we had going. I am proud to say I gave him a piece of my mind (with the help of reading what y'all wrote here) I feel that helped reassure myself that I was not blowing it all out of proportion or distorting the situation.

So, Thank You :)

It was ridiculous, he started to whine to me about how he was living in his RV without electricity or working plumbing as his pipes burst & had the option of staying with his friend - in the spare bedroom - but chose to stay in the RV without any amenities (necessities).

At that point, I told him, enough with the sh** and that started my whole rant and getting him out of my life. This may sound a bit harsh, and as originally posted, there was a lot more that went on that I couldn't even begin to start writing, lol. But I just had enough and washed my hands of this person, concluded it was a learning experience, if nothing else, and walked away. End of story.

:thumbup: Congrats on freeing yourself from your situation.


Well-known member
Thank you, yes it does feel good. Like a huge weight has been lifted.

I had no idea how it was just sucking the life out of me...emotional vampire, I think it is coined. lol