today my brother made my mum cry....


Well-known member
he scolded her and made her cry...and i could do nothing about it...i feel so useless and pathetic::(:


Well-known member
what was i suppose to do? whenever i tried to talk sense into my brother he would shout back at me...then i would shout back at him and we would the end it only makes things worse...


Well-known member
well it wasnt your fault .... all you can do is give your mum a cuddle when hes gone ....


Well-known member
the problem is, he treats me well, so i would feel guilty whenever i quarrel or fight with him, so what i would do was to tell my mum not to speak to him although it may actually widen the gap between them...


Well-known member
the problem is, he treats me well, so i would feel guilty whenever i quarrel or fight with him, so what i would do was to tell my mum not to speak to him although it may actually widen the gap between them...

how old is your brother if you dont mind me asking :)


Well-known member
what did he exactly do??

its actually not specific, but if its recently, it goes like mum asked him when he would be free to take leave from work coz our family wanted to go overseas for holiday...the middle part i am not sure what brother ended up shouting at my mum and slamming the door...

anyway its been countless of times they quarrelled, and its always because of little things, e.g. he would be unhappy when my mum asks him to help her complete some online application form