Today, I feel proud of myself


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

Today, I feel proud of myself for 2 reasons:

1) I just got back from a camping trip with 5 other co-workers who I didn't know that well...and I managed to pull it off without having any major anxieties...and even if I didn't score any major social points with most of them, I'm still happy I was able to pull through

2) On Saturday, I managed to hike with them to a mountain top called Cirque peak while carrying a full backpack weighing at least 50 lbs (Everyone else was carrying small bags...the reason why I ended up travelling heavy is because I thought we were going 'backcountry' camping so I packed a tent and sleeping bag plus ample supplies, but instead, we were just hiking to the top, then back to the cars to the campsite where I could've kept my stuff). Anyways, it was one of the most strenuous physical exercises of my life...and yet I managed to do it. It is a full 1.2 km (3/4 of a mile) vertically from the beginning to the end, and it took us 8-9 hours to finish the hike.

By the end of it, my shoes were torn badly and my ankle, after twisting it 8 times, was rubbery and very fragile.

I am proud and happy...I feel like I proved to myself that things that look impossible may not be unconquerable; I remember the first time I looked at the peak and saw how steep the climb was, I was certain it was impossible with all my weight...but I showed myself!

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Well-known member
Congratulations, proud of you! Looks beautiful too, is this in Alberta?

Thank you!
And yes, this in Alberta...past Banff, near lake louise.

I would upload my own pictures but tbh, I'm just too tired! Perhaps tomorrow.

A l a n

Active member
Thank you!
And yes, this in Alberta...past Banff, near lake louise.

I would upload my own pictures but tbh, I'm just too tired! Perhaps tomorrow.

No problem!

If I ever get the chance, I'd love to visit Alberta someday. I'm a big fan of nature and the great outdoors.


Well-known member
Great job! You pushed yourself out, twice, and man those pictures are beautiful... Looks like a really nice place to go hiking, i'm going to remember the name of that place.


Well-known member
Aw, i love reading things like this. :) I may not know you but am very proud of you! Such an awesome thing to do!


Very well done, being able to take in that view in person after such a long hike must've been a great feeling.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well done! That mountain reminds me of when I went to Philmont Ranch in New Mexico...a week long trek starting from 17,000 feet above sea level...the view and the steep grade slope both look startlingly similar. Again, well done my good felllow!