to smile or not to smile


Well-known member
Everyone smiles at different things, some people think that they are funny and amusing, sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't.

When I am sitting or standing near someone and they say something that is supposed to be a joke I will look over and feel like I have to smile or give a little laugh even if I don't find it funny. Either that or look at them stone faced which makes people uncomfortable. I can't seem to find a happy medium with this, either I am a grinning idiot laughing and smiling at what everyone says or trying to disconnect myself from any expression or emotion.


Well-known member
If someone says something that's supposed to be funny but i don't think it's THAT funny. I just give a sort of silent snort and a half smile.


Well-known member
seekeroftruth said:
Everyone smiles at different things, some people think that they are funny and amusing, sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't.

When I am sitting or standing near someone and they say something that is supposed to be a joke I will look over and feel like I have to smile or give a little laugh even if I don't find it funny. Either that or look at them stone faced which makes people uncomfortable. I can't seem to find a happy medium with this, either I am a grinning idiot laughing and smiling at what everyone says or trying to disconnect myself from any expression or emotion.

Same here, I don't laugh at lame jokes. but, I do smile a lot, and people do look at me like I'm a retard. The irony is that I'm a lonely person, no love, yet I smile. And I see people with loving girl friends and boyfriends, good grades, a good life at head of them self, and their like why are you smiling dude... life sucks... I would like to show them how good they have it, or just punch them.


Well-known member
I notice that non social phobic people will not laugh at bad jokes because they are not afraid to show their true feelings, whereas me being a social phobe will fake a laugh...Why? Because i am afraid of appearing rude for not appreciating someones joke, and i don't want people to think that i don't have a sense of humour i guess.