To hurt or not to hurt, that lady and gents is the question.


Well-known member
It's morally better to be hurt yourself than to hurt others, but when it comes down to it and it's inevitable I'd rather hurt someone else than be hurt myself.


I am always definitely rather hurt myself than hurting somebody else, after all I don't know why I should do that. But that doesn't mean that being a doormat or not oppose to anything is morally right.. We should defend the truth or what we think is right even if it hurts somebody in the due course. Also, we should defend ourselves if someone is trying to take advantage of us etc. I do that, according to circumstances depending if the situation angers me or not. I am not a keen fighter, I like peace. And I don't care much what people think of me, so it doesn't anger me much if someone points out at my imperfections like being quiet etc., which I know is true anyway. What angers me is, if someone says something which interferes with my value system, or tries to humiliate me and treats me like ****, without any dignity.

Also, I know how to forgive a lot, in fact I am keen to forgive but usually the people I had some argument with don't feel this way and keep carrying the grudge.


Well-known member
It's morally better to be hurt yourself than to hurt others, but when it comes down to it and it's inevitable I'd rather hurt someone else than be hurt myself.

It is not always morally better to be hurt yourself. Some people deserve to get hurt more than others. To assume that you are the one that should get hurt and not the other person is to assume that you deserve it more than he/she does. I guess this is sometimes true, but not always.


It depends and I like to say no comments... because when it realy counts, its a whole new thing and thoughts!! its easy to write down words here


This is probably the most rational and honest answer. What you wrote makes a lot of sense. Often times, you can't really know what course of action you will choose until you are living the situation.

Sipas Serafina... Your words fall down from the heaven like stars and I will look at those night after night becuase u realy know what I mean! :)


Its better to be the who inflicts the pain rather than receive it, isn't it? I know it doesn't have any context whatsoever, but I'm trying to be discrete. And to get something off my chest...

Neither,But I guess I would prefer to be the one hurt than to intenionaly hurt someone.If your in a situation where they are the only two options,my advice would be get out of the situation if you can.


Well-known member
I agree with Danfalc. As a self-proclaimed self-masochist, I'd prefer to inflict pain on myself.
What about those people that hurt others to feel better about themselves.
Maybe people that have been hurt so much they take pleasure and vengeance
in seeing other people hurt.


Well-known member
Its better to be the who inflicts the pain rather than receive it, isn't it? I know it doesn't have any context whatsoever, but I'm trying to be discrete. And to get something off my chest...

hmmm well i soppose there are lots of variations of what your talking about , but in general i soppose im not one for hurting peoples feelings ... so yep receive it ;)