Thoughts are back again :(

Hi everyone.. I got this back in 2010, and after starting Lexapro the DR/DP went away. Well I got off the lexapro a year and a half ago (should've stayed on it) and I've been fine, and then all of a sudden I have DR again and the existential thoughts.

I feel like I'm not actually here and grounded.

I feel like an alien and life and everything seems so unfamiliar.

I keep picturing the earth rotating in space and it freaks me out, because I think to myself "That's so weird." All of a sudden everything is weird to me like I was just dropped here. I think of space and our planet and I just think to myself "This can't be real. It seems so fake. How is this happening."

I can't eat at all. Have no appetite. Anxiety like crazy, racing heartbeat. Never want to leave the house. I just started the lexapro yesterday and I really hope it works.

I feel like I wanna die. I hate this feeling. I cry every day :(
I hope this is helpful.But a couple years I was coming off some stuff in the hospital and I experienced something very similar to what youve described. It was hell. I remember freaking out in a lift. I remember the nothingness and vastness and emptyness of everything. I wanted to crawl into another dimension for safety. It will pass, it will,the lexapro will kick in.

Heres some things that helped me survive it:

1)Focusing on the fact that it is a temporary state that will go away soon. Like when you stub your toe and you hold your breath and wait it out. The knowledge that its temporary makes it bearable.It will ease off. Hold onto that. Tell yourself ' this bad feeling will stop'
2) This might sound cliche but theres sound reason behind it. When you need to calm quickly, Just breathe. For about 2 mins sit down or lie down and close your eyes. Just concentrate on your breathing and nothing else. As you breathe in think about what your doing. Take a slow breathe in through the nose and hold just a second and slowly release it. Repeat. Give yourself two minutes where you do this. Focus on feeling the breath going in and out. For the first few breaths you might think 'how could this possibly work' but it will. Clear your mind so your just breathing. When you open your eyes youll be calmer. After a while youll be able to do this standing a queue in the shop or anywhere.
3) Tasks like re organising a wardrobe or doing a soduko puzzle or a crossword help give you some sense of order and control.

I really really hope that the lexapro kicks in quickly and this passes very soon for you. Im so sorry youre experiencing it. I hope these tips help tide you over. Please keep us updated.
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