This is for people with OCD


Ive got this pattern that has been going on for a real long time... I go through a short time, usually a few days to a few weeks of feeling free, hopeful, and relatively in the moment... either things feel so good i get freaked out and dont trust it, or i start to feel really bad, but the intense emotion inspires me to get really OCD, then i get involved in these compulsions (checking for cancer on my skin, researching HIV, checking switches over and over ect...) and i do this for hours until i feel numb or too frustrated to go on, and then from there i just spend the next few days/weeks feeling like i have ****ed up, and i can't possibly get back to feeling free - free as in i don't have to do any rituals to feel good about myself.
My question is... does anyone out there with OCD go a decent amount of time without being compulsive, start to feel proud and good about themselves... and then just after one slip up of indulging in a compulsion for a short while, start to feel like a completely different person, like they just screwed up big time and hate themselves for it, and for several days after just feel stuck?
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Well-known member
You'd probably get more replies if you posted this in the OCD forum.

I only get OCD-ish at times - for example, I checked if the door was closed at times of great stress in my life. When it stopped, this stopped too.

I can get obsessed about diseases too, especially if I just saw a film on something or read about it, or observed something iffy on my body... See what triggers you and know these things can get quiet and then pop up again, it's kinda normal, I think..

I think many people with OCD feel bad about themselves, it depends how severe your condition is and that may change with time, like ebb and flow.. I think it's important to recognize it and give yourself a break. (Not easy when you're in the middle of it, at least maybe later...)

I get 'obsessed' to research eg OCD and ADD forums and such too, looking for cures etc. I kinda regret getting 'pulled' into it (especially if it's when I'm procrastinating or having anxiety about doing something else) I've learnt a lot of really useful and helpful things this way though, and I bet you have too!

Have you tried CBT/ERP or omega3 or such for your OCD? Some people find them helpful, or some other stuff too..