Theres an app for that!


New member
Hey Everyone!
Random question, looking for opinions on what everyone thinks about an app for social phobia. What sort of qualities would make it user friendly/encourage us all to use it. Personally I would want something discrete, where I can access it at a party or something and no one would think I was doing anything but texting. I'm actually writing a paper/I also suffer from social anxiety!


Well-known member
What would the purpose be? Something therapeutic like CBT, or with tips to enhance social skills or stimulate interaction? Generally speaking, if you're at a party and you're doing anything that even remotely resembles texting, you might as well be somewhere else. Beyond that, without a clearer idea of what you have in mind, it's awfully hard to give an opinion. :idontknow:


New member
Hey sorry I wasn't being to specific, I wanted to leave it open for interpretation. It could honestly be an app for anything. In my example, it could be to connect with someone who can walk you through an anxiety attack while maintaining discretion, or such as you said tips for overcoming a particular situation instead of having to remove yourself or be elsewhere.


Well-known member
I remember when I was studying mind control. it was basically describe as our brain working like a computer. So I thought if a brain is like a computer what to stop it from hypnotize us. I mean thank about it a person can hypnotize other people just as a brain hypnotize a brian a computer programming anther computer. Maybe you can come up with a app that can hypnotize us to feel confident , strong and give social skills.


Well-known member
I remember when I was studying mind control. it was basically describe as our brain working like a computer. So I thought if a brain is like a computer what to stop it from hypnotize us. I mean thank about it a person can hypnotize other people just as a brain hypnotize a brian a computer programming anther computer. Maybe you can come up with a app that can hypnotize us to feel confident , strong and give social skills.

If you can come up with a way to do this I can assure you you're going to be a very wealthy individual in the near future.