'There will always be somebody who doesn't like you' - true?


Well-known member
Sometimes people tell me that "not everyone will like me" or something like that... but is that really true? Am I crazy to think that if you keep quiet, carefully choose which people to interact with, and sort of "be a chameleon" around people (sorry for lack of better words), that you /could/ be liked by everyone? (well, everyone you know at least)


Well-known member
Thats partially true, but what if you meet someone who doesn't like quiet people?

6 billion people and they're all gonna like you? No chance, even if you were mother teresa.


Well-known member
sorry for confusion... I don't mean have everyone in the world like, I mean just the people you know


Well-known member
Well since you can choose your friends; yes all your friends will like you.

But you can't choose your family, so there is a small chance that some of them may misintepret any shyness you show.

What do you think?



Well-known member
well maybe ur famliy will always love u but somtime not like u? (i dont mean u personally Paul) i think my mum somtimes doesn't like me, but she told me she loves me forever :) However, coz i don't like myself i think everyone hates me, great huh??


Active member
Re: 'There will always be somebody who doesn't like you' - t

I think as long as there's people that you're not going to like, there'll be people that don't like you. Even if you do carefully choose who to interact with, odds are one of those people will have or acquire a friend / family member / partner who just grates you the wrong way. Most of us don't choose to make friends out of those we don't like / that don't like us, but it's when the connections come in that it gets tricky.

paul said:
if you keep quiet, carefully choose which people to interact with, and sort of "be a chameleon" around people (sorry for lack of better words), that you /could/ be liked by everyone? (well, everyone you know at least)

As for being a chameleon / keeping quiet - most people that you choose to interact with, choose to befriend, are looking for you to be you, so that they can be them, and you can establish rapport and trust and share stuff etc etc.

I like your chameleon analogy, but to take it further - remember that chameleons don't do their colour shift thing to make friends, they do it to hide. I think a big part of overcoming SA / SP is learning how to lose the desire to hide.

That said - everyone's different and everyone works out what makes life tick for them. If *your* strategy / beliefs start working for *you*, that's all that matters!



Well-known member
even if there is always going to be someone that will not like you, there will also always be someone who loves you.


Well-known member
Maybe not...

I think you mean does like, not love..because comparing love to like/not like is overkill.

I must admit I didn't read all the posts here so maybe I missed something to do with love?

Damn I'm tired..can't sleep though arghhh.


Well-known member
I don't know about other people...but for me, I know there will always be ALOT of people who hate me. Although nobody has any real reason to hate me...I know I am hated.


Well-known member
MadCat said:
I think you mean does like, not love..because comparing love to like/not like is overkill.
Nope I mean what I say, you are a fool if you think there is no one that loves you and cares about you....sorry for trying to be positive i'll make sure and be more negative in the future.


Well-known member
Hey hey, leta all love eachother! and yea there are peopel who wont like you at soem point, but oh well, you coudl easily avoid them.


Well-known member
MadCat said:
And calling someone a fool because they don't see your opinion is positive? rofl..
No...I was calling anyone who truely believes no one loves them a fool...please read my posts before jumping on me next time. The "you are a fool" was more of a global you not really directed at anyone...sorry for the confusion.


Well-known member
I know what that's like LittleMissScareAll - There are people who don't like me for no good reason and it shits me to tears. But what can you do. I know on a rational level that it is all about them and has nothing to do with me - but it still gets to me.


Active member
Toad said:
I was calling anyone who truely believes no one loves them a fool...please read my posts before jumping on me next time. The "you are a fool" was more of a global you not really directed at anyone...sorry for the confusion.

Personally - I'm still confused Toad. I don't see why anyone needs to be called a fool, be they specific or a generic group of people with a certain belief!

Given that there's 6 billion+ people on earth, for sure I think there's people without people that love them!.

And then, even for people who apparently do have love in their life, there's bigger issue, that I guess many can relate to. It's exactly as you've said in your last post, it's often the case of whether or not someone can *believe* that they are loved. All the love in the world means nothing if someone is not at a stage that they can feel it, that they can be open to it. I think everyone can think of a time when they've felt that way, and that's certainly not a stage we should get down on them for...

I'm choosing to finish this rather rambling post with some lyrics from The Verve's Lucky Man :

How many times do I have to learn
But how many corners do I have to turn?
All the love I have is in my mind?



Well-known member
Re: 'There will always be somebody who doesn't like you' - t

paul said:
Sometimes people tell me that "not everyone will like me" or something like that... but is that really true? Am I crazy to think that if you keep quiet, carefully choose which people to interact with, and sort of "be a chameleon" around people (sorry for lack of better words), that you /could/ be liked by everyone? (well, everyone you know at least)

No because they would only like your projection or your 'chameleon' and not the real you. It's better to have one person that likes you for who you truly are than a million who like you for your illusions.


Well-known member
Toad that's the biggest load of bullshit I've seen. You do realize that sort of view comes from ignorant people, right?

Calling someone a fool based on any beliefs is plain wrong.

I could easily say that if anyone doesn't believes in God they are a fool!!!!!!!!!!

Personally I don't believe in a higher intelligence like God, but I can see that it could hurt many people so I don't say it.

I guess anyone who is psychotic and believes in their delusions is a fool too huh?


Well-known member
Toad said:
MadCat said:
I think you mean does like, not love..because comparing love to like/not like is overkill.
Nope I mean what I say, you are a fool if you think there is no one that loves you and cares about you....sorry for trying to be positive i'll make sure and be more negative in the future.

It simply seems as if Toad was annoyed that someone insinuated that his words of encouragment were overkill, no need for the argument.

Now wheres that group hug got to? :D (I'm kidding!)


Well-known member
He called everyone a fool based on a belief..that's not just overkill, that's DAMN too insultive and rude. Someone needs some manners.

Thought I would be the one to come out with something like that first but guess not.