I was talking to a friend like 2 weeks ago and she asked me why i was absent to school. I was absent for about 3 days so i told her oh i have been very depressed and its very hard for me to wake up and make it to school. She says, sarcastically: There is no such thing as depression, you are only 16 years old and blahblah. Of course shes 19, gets everything she wants, has never in her life have to worry about a thing and she has never worked. All she has to do is open her mouth and tell her daddy i want to go to europe, i want a car, i want this and that and shes very very social. THerefore, how dare someone who does not know shit about feeling depressed say that there is no such thing as depression. I seriously get angry when a person who has never experienced such a thing and doesn't even know how depression can affect someone's life say that IT DOESN't EXIST. I mean just because she has the "perfect" paris hilton life doesn't mean that others don't fucking get depressed damn it.