I was talking to a friend like 2 weeks ago and she asked me why i was absent to school. I was absent for about 3 days so i told her oh i have been very depressed and its very hard for me to wake up and make it to school. She says, sarcastically: There is no such thing as depression, you are only 16 years old and blahblah. Of course shes 19, gets everything she wants, has never in her life have to worry about a thing and she has never worked. All she has to do is open her mouth and tell her daddy i want to go to europe, i want a car, i want this and that and shes very very social. THerefore, how dare someone who does not know shit about feeling depressed say that there is no such thing as depression. I seriously get angry when a person who has never experienced such a thing and doesn't even know how depression can affect someone's life say that IT DOESN't EXIST. I mean just because she has the "perfect" paris hilton life doesn't mean that others don't fucking get depressed damn it.


Well-known member
Depressed4life said:
I was talking to a friend like 2 weeks ago and she asked me why i was absent to school. I was absent for about 3 days so i told her oh i have been very depressed and its very hard for me to wake up and make it to school. She says, sarcastically: There is no such thing as depression, you are only 16 years old and blahblah. Of course shes 19, gets everything she wants, has never in her life have to worry about a thing and she has never worked. All she has to do is open her mouth and tell her daddy i want to go to europe, i want a car, i want this and that and shes very very social. THerefore, how dare someone who does not know shit about feeling depressed say that there is no such thing as depression. I seriously get angry when a person who has never experienced such a thing and doesn't even know how depression can affect someone's life say that IT DOESN't EXIST. I mean just because she has the "perfect" paris hilton life doesn't mean that others don't fucking get depressed damn it.

Some of my friends are like this, especially a certain one of them. They are always saying i should say something to a girl i like or that i should take action about it. One of my friends was joking around calling me emo because we were at my friends party and i wanted to leave because i felt uncomfortable because there were a lot of people I didn't know that were there and it made me feel nervous. It makes me very angry because they don't understand how hard it is for me me to do those things. When it comes to saying something to a girl I like it's even harder and i've never been able to say anything.


Well-known member
Some people are so ignorant they think that depressed people are lazy. I hate it when people tell you to ''Cheer up, it might never happen!'' depression does not allow a person to cheer up just at the click of a finger!
recluse said:
Some people are so ignorant they think that depressed people are lazy. I hate it when people tell you to ''Cheer up, it might never happen!'' depression does not allow a person to cheer up just at the click of a finger!

I know and some people see us as "weak", actually i can beat up a lot of people if i wanted to. However, due depression we don't get desire or energy to do anything. I hated how people just say oh just think positive things will change blahblah just try going out and get another job, if it was that easy i would had done it.


Well-known member
Depressed4life said:
I was talking to a friend like 2 weeks ago and she asked me why i was absent to school. I was absent for about 3 days so i told her oh i have been very depressed and its very hard for me to wake up and make it to school. She says, sarcastically: There is no such thing as depression, you are only 16 years old and blahblah. Of course shes 19, gets everything she wants, has never in her life have to worry about a thing and she has never worked. All she has to do is open her mouth and tell her daddy i want to go to europe, i want a car, i want this and that and shes very very social. THerefore, how dare someone who does not know shit about feeling depressed say that there is no such thing as depression. I seriously get angry when a person who has never experienced such a thing and doesn't even know how depression can affect someone's life say that IT DOESN't EXIST. I mean just because she has the "perfect" paris hilton life doesn't mean that others don't fucking get depressed damn it.

I know a girl that has this lifestyle, she has rich parents and gets as she pleases, travels around the world for a week or so then returns to go to school ...she is nice but very pretentious and has been handed the world on a platter ...i'm not saying that money dictates mood, but it certainly affects people in certain ways. ..i think this is what you are dealing with here, a girl that hasnt had to live a rough "fend for yourself" as of yet and so hasn't been forced into feeling really low and is perhaps popular and doesnt know what its like to feel unwanted..


Well-known member
Ugh, your friend sounds like my mom. She's always going on about how depression "isn't real." I tried telling her about how I feel and she just interrupts and makes insensitive remarks like, "You're depressed because you're too weak to fight it. How are you going to get anywhere in life?" Oh Mother.... your words speak with the sensitivity of being hit in the face with a brick.


Well-known member
Nineteen is very young. Whats goes around comes around, karma.

Perhaps next time she feels like making such remarks you could ask her about psychiatric hospitals and medications. I wonder what her veiws are on those?

Even better, send her here, I don't mind setting her straight! :lol:

Peace xxx


Well-known member
Depression is a chemical imbalance, how in this day and age people can dispute that is incredible.

If I had asthma, would these same dolts suggest I just try and draw a deeper breathe, I don't think so. Yet you can't see asthma. You hear it in wheezing. Well we do see depression, in tears and tiredness and all the other symptons. If I wanted to I could pretend I couldn't breathe properly, imitating asthma, but why would I want to do that. By that token, why would anyone pretend to be depressed.

Just to make it clear, I have no prejudice against asthma sufferers, I do believe them!

Arggggggggggggggggggggggggggg, so frustrating, as if the burden of depression is not enough for us, lay on a thick topping of guilt and self doubt.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
first of all, this girl is absolutely ignorant and errogant, and she simply ignores a scientific fact that nobody can ignore.

second, it's important to you not to feel depressed over things like getting a car or being rich or whatever, these things are not subject to your will, you might spend all your life working hard and end up not getting a car, would u like to spend it depressed on that f***k stuff?'

the most taken course in us universities is positive psychology, and one of the best courses is at harvard, and the professor there(Tal Ben Shahar) who gives that course has written a book about it called "happier", it's a very nice book, here's a link for it in audio:

hope it helped


Active member
I find it interesting that your friend suggests depression is "not real" if you're 16 years old. She seems to be confusing depression with a psychiatric diagnosis where age is relevant, like a personality disorder.


Well-known member
Depressed4life said:
I was talking to a friend like 2 weeks ago and she asked me why i was absent to school. I was absent for about 3 days so i told her oh i have been very depressed and its very hard for me to wake up and make it to school. She says, sarcastically: There is no such thing as depression, you are only 16 years old and blahblah. Of course shes 19, gets everything she wants, has never in her life have to worry about a thing and she has never worked. All she has to do is open her mouth and tell her daddy i want to go to europe, i want a car, i want this and that and shes very very social. THerefore, how dare someone who does not know shit about feeling depressed say that there is no such thing as depression. I seriously get angry when a person who has never experienced such a thing and doesn't even know how depression can affect someone's life say that IT DOESN't EXIST. I mean just because she has the "perfect" paris hilton life doesn't mean that others don't fucking get depressed damn it.

They are an idiot. When people say things like that it makes me feel worse. That's why I don't tell anybody or talk to anybody about any problems I have anymore, it's pointless, nobody gets it. It's always "get over it", "snap out of it" and my Mom's favorite thing to say to me, "it's all in your head". I have no idea what she means when she says that.
A long time ago a stupid idiot told me all my problems were about mental discipline :x So that is to say: not only I'm a silly getting myself depressed just because i'm not mentally disciplined :roll: but i'm also "silly" cause i can't stop it while it is so clear for "disciplined ok-guys"
:x aaaarrgh!!! :x :x :x
What i think about all this is... oh shit how i wish i was less mentally repressed and punched some idiots noses with my fist from time to time!!
Strong_Silent_One said:
A long time ago a stupid idiot told me all my problems were about mental discipline :x So that is to say: not only I'm a silly getting myself depressed just because i'm not mentally disciplined :roll: but i'm also "silly" cause i can't stop it while it is so clear for "disciplined ok-guys"
:x aaaarrgh!!! :x :x :x
What i think about all this is... oh shit how i wish i was less mentally repressed and punched some idiots noses with my fist from time to time!!

OMG lMFAO at the last line you wrote. Wow, this is pure ignorance man, i wish they were depressed.


:D Chin up buckaroo! Your friend can't be THAT bad! It's all in your head! :D

(LOL, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I just had to say it!)

But yes, it is extremely disheartening when people don't treat mental illness as real. It reminds me of when I was young and depressed, and my dad used to say to me, "Smile! You're a good kid!" AARGH that never made any sense, and didn't help one bit!