The strangest thing said about SA


Well-known member
You wouldn't believe this, i was told by a friend that SA is longer exist and it has been denied by psychologists years ago!!. We were three and the other guy agreed with him, i was surprised and didn't said much. I said to myself i wish if things were that easy.

These guys know that i'm shy (or that's what they think).


Well-known member
I know!! I hate how psychology isnt taken very seriously. It never really has been, and i guess its slowly getting better. I know waaay back when, people were just made outcasts of the community (durring like colonial times) and ppl thought anyone with depression, anxiety, any kind of mental ilness like that was either 1. possessed by the devil or 2. completely crazy. So if you think about it we've come a long way.

But, now you have dumb a-- celebrities like Tom Cruise who say mental illnesses are misdiagnosed and people shouldnt need medication. And he was sooo arrogant about it! Like he would know...yeah last time i checked you didnt have your psychology degree, so dont talk about it like you know. I was soo pissed about his comment he said to Brooke shields (about post-partum depression) .

Then theres people (similar to tom cruise) who think since psychologys becoming more common, psychologists are just diagnosing more people, when really they dont have anything wrong. (Like its the new craze) And when people have a problem they automatically think they have a disorder. Which, this COULD happen. and prob. does, but it doesnt mean there arent people who really deal with this kind of thing (AS WE ALL KNOW)...As you can tell i have a strong opinion about this!! lol


Well-known member
i lost alot of *respect* (that i guess i never really had) for tom cruise after he said that about brook shields. first of all, that was her personal life, he had no right to speculate on it. two, he's never going to have to deal with postpardum depression, so how would he know? we're lucky to live in the age that we do with the advances in technology and medicine - we should take advantage of what we have.


Well-known member
"SA no longer exists"

Whew... well THAT is a relief!

"But, now you have dumb a-- celebrities like Tom Cruise who say mental illnesses are misdiagnosed and people shouldnt need medication. And he was sooo arrogant about it! Like he would know...yeah last time i checked you didnt have your psychology degree"

As far as I have heard he doesn't even have a high school degree. Didn't he drop out his senior year? Either way, he's a moron.


Active member
Before i new i had sp (just new i wsn't normal) i Thought mental ilnes was a Crock of S**T. ADD was spoilt brats. Now I know better , so Don't be so hard on them.

Snowcrash said:
"SA no longer exists"

As far as I have heard he doesn't even have a high school degree. Didn't he drop out his senior year? Either way, he's a moron.

I droped out of High school dose not meen I am not smart, School was just not for me. But he is a moron for saying what he did



Well-known member
Morgs said:
School was just not for me.

Yeah, let me clarify. I only mentioned Tom's lack of a diploma in terms of him not having a pychology degree either.

Some of my favorite, wildly talented people also left high school (Uma Thurman comes to mind)

But Tom Cruise is at best brainwashed. Extremely stupid and hurtful things come out of his mouth.


Well-known member
And here I thought I had sa.Silly me.It does not exist :( .

There a lot of people that think that it's one big conspiracy by the psychology field and drug companies.To invent something that not there to make money off of weak minded people.Like mental health problem is something new.Like someone else said back in olden times people with problem was just treated as pariahs and thrown aside.Makes me sick. :evil:

As for Tom Cruise you have to remember that he is a Scientologist. Scientologist rabidly hate psychology and anything kind of medication.I was still surprise when he said what he said on national tv like that.Especially what he said about Brooke shields.

So sad.


Well-known member

People with social anxiety are the only ones who know what they're talking about when it comes down to explaining this condition.


Well-known member
Remus said:
Ask them if they have ever visited the planet earth???? :roll:

Oh i just noticed, i meant ''is no longer exist''

I just did before i left home Remus. I asked him, i told him that one of the guys in SPW forums have a question to you. He just laughed, i told him guys here are so mad at you!!.

Unfortunately, we didn't end the conversation but i assure you this guy is not fool or anything like that. i know him and he is very respected among us (since he is the oldest).

I told him ''let me tell you what i think, i don't expect anyone who doesn't have it to understand it enough''


Well-known member
Shyguest said:
People with social anxiety are the only ones who know what they're talking about when it comes down to explaining this condition.

I totally agree with you, mate. Others will never understand us enough.


Well-known member
If it doesn't exist any more,why is it taught in our Psychology books at University? It was there where I first learned about this disorder. I was learning the symptoms and I realised that I had them all! Recently,I had a project about the social identity and representations of the social phobics. How could they say that it doesn't exist?