The Somewhat unique story of my life


Well-known member
First of all I found this forum yesterday and I've been checking out and it's great. I also been checking videos on YouTube about other people's issues and now I see that there are worst cases than mine, and even though I know that, in my head I still feel my case is bad and unique.

So i born with a condition that i don't know the name in English, basically my femur didn't fully grow when i was growing in the belly and when I born I looked normal but my parents figured when I was 3 months old and that is when my bad luck started I guess,, I got done over 7 surgeries on my leg and femur and luckily today i'm able to walk even tho my leg is 1cm shorter.. anyway up to 13 years old my life was fine, i was happy, i had so many friends and they accepted for who I was, I was never home, always hanging out with me friends outside.

Here where it begins :)
When I was 14 I moved to London with my parents so I was in a completely new country, I didn't really speak the language and that is when My second physical problem began which was when i had scoliosis on my back.

So I started high school and i was all shy and got bullied a lot in school, I remember having lunch at the special needs room because I was too shy and didn't want to be bullied.

So i lived in London for 3 years in hell basically, then I moved away to Denmark with my parents and went to college to another town 5 hours away from them, and there I was all alone and I could be anybody I wanted, even though I was shy, I could still manage it, but I still was really shy about my looks so I never had a girlfriend at that time because of it, because ok my leg being messed up / me having scoliosis / sweating alot armpit, hands and feet / and on top of that I got high metabolism so i can eat all I want and i'm skinny as hell (really annoying).
So I lived somewhat well those 3 years in Denmark,, just some depressions here and there, but I had friends again and life was good.

Then college finished and I moved back to London with my parents and hell started again, that 1st year was the worst, I don't know why dot when i'm living with my parent's I cant be who I really am, so I block my self from everything on this bubble.
So at one point I didn't leave my home for 6 months straight as I had panic attacks going out you know all the usual stuff.
So i decided to do a surgery to fix my back in hope all would be fine. I did the surgery which was the most painful thing ever and 3 weeks after I left the hospital I went on a heavy depression and started consoling and I went for only 3 months which got be a little better. By the way I never took any medicine for my problems as personal choice, I also don't drink and don't do drugs at this point.

So after all that passed I was a bit better and going out a bit more trying to make friends which was such drainage to my body as my worry never went away but at least I didn't panic anymore.

then some more time passed and I got back to square 0 not going out again and not meeting people anymore because with me is I don't like doing things that I don't see the point of it.

So I started playing a game called second life, and I learned that meeting people online I didn't have any issues what so ever I can talk on mic and sometimes on webcam, because I know that if I get into that point I can always go offline from 1 min to the other.

I have made some really good friends online which I still talk to them when I feel like.
So I started dating people online, and at the time in my head was that the only people that would like me would be ugly people because beautiful people would never like a person like me with all these problems.
So I dated about 7 people online and none of them worked out after half year or so, they always left me for some reason. because I always met people with issues and I'm great at helping others and suck at helping my self so seemed they always left me when I helped them with their issued.
So 4 years ago I met this girl on the game. she was the 1st girl that was beautiful and she had a kid so I thought WOW this is my chance to be normal because she was the only one ever that i felt normal in like 10 years of feeling so bad. So I tried my best to be with her and that was my 1st mistake knowing now.
So we dated online for 4 years and last xmas we decided to take it real life and meet in person, So I went to visit her in the states for a month, and it was amazing!, I was the 1st time I ever kissed a girl and when I lost my virginity same day lol. by the way, she never knew that I had SA. she had A.D.H.D which was fine with me.
So anyway I stayed there for 5 weeks and it was a dream come true for me, my SA was gone! I did still sweat but I could control it because I was trying so hard to make her happy and not screw it up as it was my only chance in life to be normal.
So I came back to Brazil after 5 weeks being there, and we started talking about getting married, and I started organizing things and looking for rings to buy and everything. little for me to know that few months after I left, her life changed and her A.D.H.D got really bad as she stopped taking her meds. and she was a bit crazy, but as the guy as I am I told my self, it's ok I can help her feel better, so I moved to the states and for 4 months lived with her trying to make her better, but on the last 3 weeks I was there things went from bad to worst and I found out that she didn't want help at all, she was just using me for my money and she cheated on me. So I was F**cked I was in another country all alone, with my bank and credit cards all maxed out in this little dream that I could have a normal life. So I broke up with her right away and moved back to Brazil, She destroyed my self steam completely because now I have all the bad thoughts again, Yes who would want to be with a person like me.. A nice looking girl would just use me for my innocence.
I haven't left home for about 3 months now. when I leave home I sweat alot and my tong starts tingling and I got this huge buzz in my head and I shake alot.
This is the worst I ever been and I'm so tired of it. but it doesn't mean that I'm giving up, I'm like this for a reason, and I guess I just have to live with it.


Well-known member
WOAH. O_O thAt is a life story. i'm really sorry that she turned out to be complete junk, and she junked up your life again. not everyone is a butt person like she was though.
how is your regular friend situation? i say focus on making/keeping close friends rather than trying to find a girlfriend.


Well-known member
I don't have any friends anymore, I just have couple online friends which I don't speak much with them. I actually told 2 of my friends today that I have this problem. Not even my parents knows about it because I don't want for them to worry, then my hole family will know and I just worry too much, I have a dog that I have to walk 2x a day, every day is a battle for me to walk him for 10mins outside, I every day keep looking at the window to see when there is less people walking outside then I run and walk him, I always wear sun glasses because I just worry that people are thinking about me. sucks.
I've been seeing another girl online for the past 2 months and I also told her today about my issue and she understood and didn't think any less of me.. my issue is that I'm so drained that I can't do online relationship no more and I'm stuck in a tricky situation because I got feelings for her and I don't really know what they are. and I've been avoiding her for the past 2 weeks as its gotten worst. and I'm just tired of it.. and I'm sad that the world isn't ending next month lol because I'm not the kind of person that would never hurt my self because I also worry that what if i do something to my self all my family will think of me.. even though I wont be here anymore they will still think.. well I guess that is a good thing huh


Well-known member
to add up, I just don't understand why/how people with worst problems than me can have a normal life and I can't, I'm so tired of it and I don't want to give up, I just want to find people that understands me...


Well-known member
killing yourself might end your pain but it will start up the pain of your family and others that care about you, online and real life (not that online people are fake, but i just use real life as different from things on a screen, like tv, etc)
try to keep your good qualities in mind and work on self confidence, and try to not think about what others may be thinking about you-think about other stuff, like your dog, trees, the moon, anything that doesn't bring you down on yourself. people aren't thinking about you in bad ways as much as you might believe they are. they could even be thinking good stuff, like 'I'm glad that guy is giving his dog some exercise cuz I remember on some show the dogs were kept in cages for their whole lives".
with this girl who likes you for who you are, you should tell her that you're feeling drained and need some time to reenergize. it seems like she will understand if you tell her what's going on since she understood your issues and continued talking to you.


Well-known member
what people with worse problems are there who have a better life than you? everyone's life is hard in some ways even if it doesn't show. even people who seem like everything's going great have it hard. there's a poem 'Richard Cory' about a guy that everyone thought had it made and then he killed himself.
it's not about how bad someone's got it, but rather what good they turn it into. even just sharing some of your story has helped b/c others have similiar boats to yours and no one likes to feel alone. other good stuff will come out of the badness in your life, but you can help it along.


Well-known member
I just don't understand why I have no issues what so ever making friends online and talking to people, and people like me think i'm funny which i don't see how i'm a funny guy, but when comes to real life, I just freeze, I can't speak, I start to shake, and all that which comes with. and I don't know where do start.
I love helping people and I helped so many about 3 people last month that were so down, my issue is just the real life physical situation that i'm stuck and always been and probably will always be, because I really don't know where to start


Well-known member
seems the problem is the face to face contact and not having any common ground to start with. what might help is going to a convention where the fans dress up as different things, and you could also dress up. then you'd have common ground of not only dressing up as something, but others will prolly be fans of what you're a fan of. plus, there wouldn't be as much face to face contact because of costumes, including yours if you wore something that covered your face. it might bring down your nervousness. plus, people looking at you will be focused on the costume, which might make you feel better. it's a good idea to have at least one other person go with you as a backup buddy, but it's not necessary. and people there won't all be focused on staying in their friend groups, especially when they go to listen to the panels of voice actors, etc.


Well-known member
well i will try that next Halloween then :p
Even with people I know like my family I kind of freak out, but I hide well so they don't see what is going on. The people that i told them today, they told me i have to go see the doctor and take meds, but I choose not to take because the way I see is that is all in the head, so it should be possible to fix without any drugs, and I heard that drugs just patches the issue and doesn't fix, I don't want to numb my feelings and turn into a zombie. Well I never give up. This thread is more to share my story and as you said, hopefully help out some people out there. because I really like helping people as feels good to help others when I can't help my self lol


Well-known member
i side with you about not taking meds. they can help but they can hurt with the side effects, cost alot, and can be addictive.
the dressing in costume isn't just for halloween, the conventions go at any time in the year. but i understand if you're more comfortable in doing it around halloween.


Well-known member
well its something to think about. the only issue is that I live in Brazil at the moment and there are no such conventions where I live so would be just too much of a hassle of a thing to do just to make new friends and from experience I tent to let them go at some point as I never had a friend with same interests as mine. I know just sounds like i keep making excuses as that is what people keep telling me. I've been thinking of going back to school for something and trying to make new friends that way. but the thought and stress and worry drains all my energy. I just need to make a real friend and that should lead me to more friendships. its just hard to find this 1st friend because there is always the thought of rejection


Well-known member
This is so sad. Be careful who you trust next time. There are many scam artists out there. If someone keeps asking you for money, run away! And as for relationships, take it slowly, no need to rush.


Well-known member
yes I learned it in the bad way. and I also was trying way too hard.. so i realized that i don't have to try that hard.. just let things flow and if its meant to be it will be ok