The realization that no one can help me


Well-known member
I'll be honest I don't even know why I write on here anymore. I'm at a point where I just have to accept my mental illness will get worse and worse by day till the day I die, be that suicide or natural. All I know is my life will be agony, although I have a great life my own mind has destroyed me. I stopped being myself months ago and I don't see me getting back to the old me. I tried so many things to help. Exercise, therapy, pills, positive attitude, social life, etc.... Yet none of it worked. For **** sakes I was even put in the hospital for a week and what did they do? They locked me in a ****ing room and left me there while drugging me. I then reach out for help from a doctor and he doesn't even listen to me and he just gives me pill after pill waiting for a miracle to happen. I've been taking them like they want me too, I've been doing everything. At this point the only thing that lives that I have emotions for is my cat, just cause he can't talk back.
Only you can help you. Others can give you ideas, but that's all.
This forum is good for getting things off your chest.
May I ask what is your disorder or illness?


New member
I'll be honest I don't even know why I write on here anymore. I'm at a point where I just have to accept my mental illness will get worse and worse by day till the day I die, be that suicide or natural. All I know is my life will be agony, although I have a great life my own mind has destroyed me. I stopped being myself months ago and I don't see me getting back to the old me. I tried so many things to help. Exercise, therapy, pills, positive attitude, social life, etc.... Yet none of it worked. For **** sakes I was even put in the hospital for a week and what did they do? They locked me in a ****ing room and left me there while drugging me. I then reach out for help from a doctor and he doesn't even listen to me and he just gives me pill after pill waiting for a miracle to happen. I've been taking them like they want me too, I've been doing everything. At this point the only thing that lives that I have emotions for is my cat, just cause he can't talk back.
i know how you feel, going through the same , iv tried everything too, self help books, positive attitudes etc. got tired of that, now my last resort is God Himself, praying is getting me through the day, watching programs of Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince and Creflo Dollars have made a tremendous change too, it looks like i am getting somewhere, i pray you will be well


Well-known member
i know how you feel, going through the same , iv tried everything too, self help books, positive attitudes etc. got tired of that, now my last resort is God Himself, praying is getting me through the day, watching programs of Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince and Creflo Dollars have made a tremendous change too, it looks like i am getting somewhere, i pray you will be well

I don't turn to religion myself. I am agnostic and not sure what to believe. All though these days I don't fear death anymore, because I feel no matter what I will not be suffering anymore.
i know how you feel, going through the same , iv tried everything too, self help books, positive attitudes etc. got tired of that, now my last resort is God Himself, praying is getting me through the day, watching programs of Joyce Meyer, Joseph Prince and Creflo Dollars have made a tremendous change too, it looks like i am getting somewhere, i pray you will be well
I've done all that, and am even past the last resort of prayer/God. So where does that leave me? Well, it seems not very far off where i was as a child? But i have got a number of beliefs that i've collected together from all sorts of belief systems & religions, you know, like a patchwork quilt, and is a work in progress.

I don't turn to religion myself. I am agnostic and not sure what to believe. All though these days I don't fear death anymore, because I feel no matter what I will not be suffering anymore
I'm indecisive about whether i'm gnostic or agnostic. I tend to agree that upon death, all one's suffering ends (for a while anyway?). I try to have as many moments free of suffering as i can, usually by way of chemicals, alcohol & diversions; when i'm managing to do that, then i'm satisfied enough with life, although it's far from perfect.
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I hear you dannyboy65, I'm at a similar place within myself as well. Mental illness is a major drag but keep the hope alive and try to let go of painful thoughts and emotions constantly. Just follow your own path if need be.